Abandoned. You should check out https://github.com/fogus/himera instead!
TryClojureScript is a online ClojureScript REPL, based off of TryClojure.
Here is how we intend to do it:
- User enters CLJS code in the browser.
- The server compiles it to JS and returns that.
- The browser evals the JS, producing a JS result.
- The JS result is sent to the server for translating to a CLJS literal (or maybe we can do this in CLJS itself on the client?)
- The result is displayed as CLJS.
For Linux and Mac users, lein deps, run
Windows users will need to run the ClojureScript Windows setup instructions to place CLJS in resources/private/cljs-compiler. and run the Windows setup instructions.
Eventually a public version will be here or so: http://k.timmc.org:7011/trycljs
Raynes and apgwoz and so forth for the original site.
BAZNEX group members for the ClojureScript-specific stuff.
Licensed under the same thing Clojure is licensed under: the EPL, of which you can find a copy at the root of this directory.