jkl is a static site generator written in Go, based on Jekyll
Notable similarities between jkl and Jekyll:
- Directory structure
- Use of YAML front matter in Pages and Posts
- Availability of
variables in templates - Copies all static files into destination directory
Notable differences between jkl and Jekyll:
- Uses Go templates
- Only supports YAML front matter in markup files
- No plugin support
Additional features:
- Deploy to S3
Sites built with jkl:
- Drone.io Blog: http://blog.drone.io
- Drone.io Documentation: http://docs.drone.io
In order to compile with go build
you will first need to download
the following dependencies:
go get github.com/russross/blackfriday
go get launchpad.net/goyaml
go get launchpad.net/goamz/aws
go get launchpad.net/goamz/s3
go get github.com/howeyc/fsnotify
Once you have compiled jkl
you can install with the following command:
sudo install -t /usr/local/bin jkl
If you are running x64 linux you can download and install the pre-compiled binary:
wget https://github.com/downloads/bradrydzewski/jkl/jkl
sudo install -t /usr/local/bin jkl
Usage: jkl [OPTION]... [SOURCE]
--auto re-generates the site when files are modified
--base-url serve website from a given base URL
--source changes the dir where Jekyll will look to transform files
--destination changes the dir where Jekyll will write files to
--server starts a server that will host your _site directory
--server-port changes the port that the Jekyll server will run on
--s3 copies the _site directory to s3
-v, --verbose runs Jekyll with verbose output
-h, --help display this help and exit
jkl generates site from current working dir
jkl --server generates site and serves at localhost:4000
jkl /path/to/site generates site from source dir /path/to/site
If you are running the website in server mode, with the --server
flag, you can
also instruct jkl
to auto-recompile you website by adding the --auto
NOTE: this feature is only available on Linux
In order to deploy to S3 you must include a _jekyll_s3.yml
file in your
site's root directory that specifies your AWS key, secret and bucket:
s3_bucket: your.blog.bucket.com
Run jkl --s3
See the official Jekyll wiki ... just remember that you are using Go templates instead of Liquid templates.