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Mesh Linux Containers - scripts to experience mesh-like virtual networks using LXC

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Installing MLC

A short HOWTO would be as follows:

The following instructions have been tested with (K)Ubuntu 16.04

There is another short howto to set up an appropriate Ubuntu 16.04 VirtualBox image below

  1. Get MLC:
git clone mlc.git
cd mlc.git
  1. Become root:
sudo su
  1. Source MLC to your bash environment
cd /home/mlc/mlc.git # assuming mlc was installed here.
. ./
  1. Setup your local host & prepare a simple debian container system:
less # check what is done here...
  • This takes a while...
  • Usually choose yes.
  • For Dumpcap support for non-super users choose: yes (Once this completed only ./ would be needed after any system reboot)
  1. Create 30 containers called mlc1000... mlc1029:
mlc_loop -i 1000 -a 1029 -c
  1. Boot them:
mlc_loop -i 1000 -a 1029 -b
  1. Create a 10x3 grid network among them using bridge mbr1 (eth1 inside containers)
mlc_configure_grid 1
  1. Execute bmx7 in all containers
mlc_loop -i 1000 -a 1029 -e "bmx7 -f0 dev=eth1.11"
  1. Attach to container mlc1000 and get bmx7 debug info to monitor the network converging...
lxc-attach -n mlc1000 -- bmx7 -lc parameters show=status show=interfaces show=links show=originators
# or retrieve just individual perspectives in non-loop mode:
lxc-attach -n mlc1000 -- bmx7 -c parameters show=tunnels

On my 3Ghz Intel Dual core notebook it takes about 2 minutes to converge even 100 nodes at high CPU load, then stabilizes around 40% CPU load.

  1. Copy and paste Crypto IPv6 from mlc1019 (seen via previous command) one can verify that pinging from top left node mlc1000 to top right node mlc1009 takes 9 hops:
lxc-attach -n mlc1000 -- traceroute6 fd70:1191:c909:1e4e:4c9c:4d4a:33eb:b09b

traceroute to fd70:1191:c909:1e4e:4c9c:4d4a:33eb:b09b (fd70:1191:c909:1e4e:4c9c:4d4a:33eb:b09b), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets 
 1  fd70:166:2d16:1ff6:253f:d0bc:1558:d89a  (fd70:166:2d16:1ff6:253f:d0bc:1558:d89a)  0.110 ms  0.048 ms  0.046 ms
 2  fd70:aad9:c0f5:8c20:a082:a462:a859:210d (fd70:aad9:c0f5:8c20:a082:a462:a859:210d)  0.068 ms  0.051 ms  0.051 ms
 9  fd70:1191:c909:1e4e:4c9c:4d4a:33eb:b09b (fd70:1191:c909:1e4e:4c9c:4d4a:33eb:b09b)  0.084 ms  0.067 ms  0.060 ms
  1. Start also olsrd2 and babeld in nodes:
mlc_loop -a 1029 -e "olsrd2_static --set=global.fork=1 --set=interface.multicast_v4=- eth1.12"
mlc_loop -a 1029 -e "olsrd2_static --set=global.fork=1 --load /etc/olsrd2.conf"
mlc_loop -a 1029 -e "babeld -D -w -c /etc/babeld.conf eth1.13"
  1. Do some more advanced experiments:
# Apply some wireshark statistics filter to observe protocol overhead:
# filter on 1011_1
# BMX7  filter: (eth.src == a0:cd:ef:10:00:01) && (udp.srcport == 6270)
# olsr2 filter: (eth.src == a0:cd:ef:10:00:01) && (udp.srcport == 269)
# babel filter: (eth.src == a0:cd:ef:10:00:01) && (udp.srcport == 6696)

# Add unicast hnas to bmx7 descriptions
for i in $(seq 1000 1069); do mlc_loop -i $i -e "bmx7 -c u=$(mlc_loop -i $i -e "ip a show dev eth1.11" | grep fd01 | cut -d' ' -f6 | cut -d '/' -f1)/128"; done

# Monitor path between two e2e nodes:
watch -n1 timeout 0.3 traceroute6 -n fd01::a0cd:ef10:2901:0:1 # bmx7
watch -n1 timeout 0.3 traceroute6 -n fd02::a0cd:ef10:2901:0:1 # olsr2
watch -n1 timeout 0.3 traceroute6 -n fd03::a0cd:ef10:2901:0:1 # bmx7

# Set links on and off:
mlc_link_set 1 1050 1 1059 3 3
mlc_link_set 1 1050 1 1059 0 0

# Tune Bmx7 link-discovery:
mlc_loop -a 1079 -e "bmx7 -c linkWindow=5 linkTimeout=10000"

# Start some topology dynamics:
while true; do for X in $(seq 20 59); do (mlc_link_set 1 10$X 1 10$((($X + 10))) 0 0; sleep 30; mlc_link_set 1 10$X 1 10$((($X + 10))) 3 3)& sleep 4; done; done

# Enable some malicious behavior. Drop packets towards mlc1029:
ip6tables -I FORWARD -o eth1.11 -d fd01::a0cd:ef10:2901:0:1 -j DROP
ip6tables -I FORWARD -o eth1.12 -d fd02::a0cd:ef10:2901:0:1 -j DROP
ip6tables -I FORWARD -o eth1.13 -d fd03::a0cd:ef10:2901:0:1 -j DROP
ip6tables -L -nv
ip6tables -F

# Let Bmx7 distrust a known malicious node:
# On mlc1029 (and mlc1000):
for k in $(bmx7 -c show=keys | cut -d' ' -f2); do bmx7 -c setTrustedNode=$k; done
bmx7 -c trustedNodesDir=/etc/bmx7/trustedNodes/
bmx7 -c setTrustedNode=-$(bmx7 -c show=keys | grep mlc1059 | cut -d' ' -f2)

Preparing a VirtualBox Ubuntu 16.04 guest for running MLC inside of it

Download Ubuntu 16.04. 32-bit from: 16-04-info


7z x Ubuntu...7z Ubuntu..mlc01.vdi

Change uuid:

VBoxManage internalcommands sethduuid "32bit/Ubuntu...mlc01.vdi"

Create virtualbox machine:

  • General:
    • Basic:
      • Name: mlc-01
      • Type: Linux
      • Ubuntu 32-bit
      • Use an existing virtual disk file:
    • Advanced:
      • Shared Clipboard: Bidirectional
      • DragnDrop: Bidirectional
    • System:
      • Motherboard:
        • 4GB
        • Chipset: ICH9 ?
    • Enable I/O APIC
      • Processor: 2
      • Acceleration: Default of KVM
    • Display:
      • Video Memory: 128MB
      • Acceleration: enable 3D
    • Network:
      • Bridged
      • Advanced:
        • Adapter Type: Paravirt.. Network (virtuo-net)

Start machine login:

Change/add Correct Keyboard (German no-dead-keys)

  • TopRight menu -> System Settings ->
    • Text Entry ->
      • Input sources... add German (eliminate dead keys)
    • Brightness & Look...
      • Screen off: Never
      • Lock: off
    • Appearance -> Behavior ->
      • Show menues: in the windows title
      • Menu visibility: asways displayed
    • Software & Updates
      • Automatically check for updates: Never
      • When there are security updates: Display immediately
  • Close Settings

Choose your keaboard from Top Menu

start: Right-click -> Open Terminal

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openss-server git-core

sudo adduser mlc

# use ip to ssh from elsewhere.
ip a show dev enp0s3
ssh [email protected]

# or continue with setting up mlc...:
sudo su -c "git clone /home/mlc/mlc.git" mlc
sudo su
cd /home/mlc/mlc.git


Mesh Linux Containers - scripts to experience mesh-like virtual networks using LXC






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