AgeKD is a Go library that can be used to derive age
X25519 identities deterministically from keys or passwords.
This package does not provide a CLI. If you need that functionality, check out age-keygen-deterministic.
See the upstream age
documentation for further guidance on working with age
identities and recipients.
- You already have key material and want to use it for age operations.
- Your execution environment has the capability to generate cryptographically secure keys, but it prevents your program from persisting custom keys.
- You want to programmatically derive age identities from passwords.
Inside your project folder, run:
go get
To generate an age identity from a high-entropy key:
identity, err := agekd.X25519IdentityFromKey(key, nil)
if err != nil {
// handle error
_ = identity // *age.X25519Identity
To generate multiple age identities from a single key, specify a salt:
identity, err := agekd.X25519IdentityFromKey(key, []byte("hello"))
To generate an age identity from a password:
identity, err := agekd.X25519IdentityFromPassword(password, nil)
The default Argon2id parameters are:
DefaultArgon2idTime uint32 = 4
DefaultArgon2idMemory uint32 = 6291456 // KiB = 6 GiB
DefaultArgon2idThreads uint8 = 8
which takes ~3s per hash on an AMD 5800X3D 8-Core CPU. You can select your own parameters with:
identity, err := agekd.X25519IdentityFromPasswordWithParameters(password, nil, time, memory, threads)
For guidance on Argon2id parameter selection, refer to rfc9106.
Unless otherwise specified within a file, this code is distributed under the MIT license.
The bech32
package was copied verbatim from