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Streamlit, but better.

⚠️ For now this is an Alpha version, only a proof-of-concept. Only minimal features are implemented

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streamlit is a framework that let you build beautiful apps in only a few lines of code, with only pure python.

swole is doing the same job, with additional features :

  • ⚡ Highly performant with FastAPI as backend
  • 🦋 Easily customizable through the usage of skins
  • 💎 Transparent (streamlit is opaque)
  • Doge power !


Simply run :

pip install swole


Create a few Widget for your page :

from swole.widgets import Input, Button, Markdown

i_a = Input()
i_b = Input()
m = Markdown("Result : ")

Add some callbacks through AJAX requests :

from swole import ajax

@ajax(i_a, i_b)
def addition(a, b):
    res = a + b
    m.set("Result : {}".format(res))

Button("Compute", onclick=addition)

Serve your app :

from swole import Application

if __name__ == "__main__":

Visit :

For more examples, check the examples folder !


Why using swole ? Why not streamlit ?

Don't get me wrong, streamlit is an awesome framework. swole just try to fix a few problematic issues of streamlit :

  • It uses Flask, which is outdated and not performant when compared to FastAPI.
  • No customization possible
  • No control over user's interaction with the page
  • Not transparent
  • No Doge 😢

How swole's backend and frontend communicate ?

Unlike streamlit, which use a system of cache and reload the page everytime someone interact with it, swole uses AJAX requests to update the frontend.

Reloading the page every interaction is very inefficient, and irritating for the user's experience.

Using AJAX instead makes the whole process almost invisible for the user, and everything is more clear for the developer because we know what data is sent when.

Why do you say swole is "transparent" but streamlit is "opaque" ?

On a swole page, try to "view the page source" (right-click).
Now, do the same on a streamlit page, and compare. 😇

Why this name ?

It all comes from a meme :


Fork the repository, clone it locally, install it and create your own branch :

git clone
cd swole
pip install -e .
git checkout -b my_branch

Add your dogesome code !

Don't forget to update tests and documentation !

Check if code is well-formated :

pip install flake8

flake8 . --count --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=127 --statistics --per-file-ignores=""

Ensure tests are passing :

pip install pytest

python -m pytest -W ignore::DeprecationWarning

Submit your PR !