Attention: The Artsy Mobile team has been dissolved into the rest of Artsy Engineering, so this repo is no longer in use. You probably want to check out the main Artsy Engineering docs repo instead.
Artsy Mobile is @alloy, @ashfurrow, [@katarinabatina]> (, @mennenia, @orta, and > @sarahscott. If you're interested in joining, [look here]> (
We revolve around four open-source apps. Eigen is the iOS app for the general public, > Energy a portfolio app for gallery partners, [Eidolon]> ( an Auctions bidding app and Emergence our > Apple TV app. All our project names are based on physics terms beginning with e. You can read our manifesto [here]> ( ).
Our general team playbook is available here - this is a document covering on-boarding, setup and an > overview of our tech stack. It is meant to be read with the private [artsy/potential]> (
This repo is for keeping track of issues around the team, and telling people to do stuff etc. Open because Open by > Default. Feel free to post issues about > and around the artsy mobile team here. It goes straight to our slack room, so ideally, include a GIF.