APRd (aka. APR dashboard), is a real-time dashboard built in Elixir on Phoenix Framework. For it's real-time dashboard it's using Phoenix Live View to be able to provide websocket based pages that can update in real-time based on updates on the server side.
- State: production
- Production: https://aprd.artsy.net
- Staging: https://aprd-staging.artsy.net
- GitHub: https://github.com/artsy/aprd/
- CI: CircleCI; merged PRs to artsy/apr-dashboard#main are automatically deployed to staging. PRs from
are automatically deployed to production. Start a deploy... - Point People: @jpotts244 @kajatiger
$ git clone [email protected]:artsy/aprd.git
- Read and run setup script.
$ cat bin/setup $ bin/setup
Install Elixir
Using Homebrew
$ brew update $ brew install elixir
- Ensure that everything installed correctly by running
, you should not see the following error$ command not found: mix
- Ensure that everything installed correctly by running
Ensure you have postgres and rabbitmq installed
- Once installed make sure both are running on your local machine (using Homebrew)
$ brew services start postgresql $ brew services start rabbitmq
- Once installed make sure both are running on your local machine (using Homebrew)
Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
In your command line run
brew install [email protected] && \ brew link --overwrite [email protected] && \ autoconf -V
to fix an issue in erlang 23
Create and migrate your database with
mix ecto.setup
Install Node.js dependencies with
cd assets && npm install
contains common configuration values for local dev. Create a.env.shared
file locally and copy using this command:
aws s3 cp s3://artsy-citadel/aprd/.env.shared ./
should contain configuration values specific to your local development. Create the file if it does not exist. See.env.example
for suggestion on values you might want to customize.- We use Phoenix Live View for our real-time data presentation. Make sure
exists in.env.shared
. You can generate a secret salt with:mix phx.gen.secret 32
- The app defaults to using local RabbitMQ. If you want to use the one in our Staging environment, set the appropriate values in
- Start Phoenix endpoint with a wrapper script:
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
Run the entire test suite using the following command
$ mix test
To run a specific test file, add the path to the test file
$ mix test test/apr/views/commerce/commerce_transaction_slack_view_test.exs
APRd listens on RabbitMQ for different topics. Once it receives a new event, it will store a copy of that event locally in it's database so we can later process the data and provide detailed and aggregated data.
Whenever we receive a new event, after storing the event locally, we use Phoenix's local PUB/SUB to broadcast we received an event. And then our websocket live views are listening on this internal PUB/SUB and they update the data on listening Webosckets reflecting the latest event updated.
Before a new topic can be subscribed to from Slack, the topic must exist in APR's database. E.g.:
$ hokusai staging run --tty 'iex -S mix'
Apr.Subscriptions.create_topic(%{name: "auction_results"})
To add the APR integration to a new channel:
- In the channel's settings, choose Integrations,
- then Add apps, then
- search for and select APR Announcer
In the channel, confirm the available topics and subscribe:
/apr help
/apr topics
/apr subscribe auction_results
APRd is used to power critical alerting workflows in Artsy's Slack organization. After a recent incident where APRd lost its connection to Artsy's Slack, we surfaced the following steps to re-connect the digital assets needed to get it all working:
- Re-enable the
slash command: https://artsy.slack.com/services/B227A48KX - Re-enable the
@apr / APR Announcer
Slack bot: https://artsy.slack.com/services/B04JQLTBUAU - Re-invite the Bot in (2) to the appropriate Slack channels
- You can check your work by reading the Channels attribute on the Bot show page: https://artsy.slack.com/services/B04JQLTBUAU
- Re-generate the bot API token (via https://artsy.slack.com/services/B04JQLTBUAU)
- Run
hokusai [staging|production] env set SLACK_API_TOKEN=token-from-step-4
- Run
hokusai [staging|production] refresh
- If it was down for more than a few minutes, we likely need to fetch the events that were missed. See the playbook in Notion for details on how to do so.