A helpful GraphQL utility
Please log any issues to Github issues.
The current version works with GraphCMS and downloads schemas, content, backs up your project to disk (including asset files) and allows simple rendering.
- Download
- Backup
- Render
@note this project was originally called cmsutil. It was later changed to avoid namespace collisions in some linux environments as there is a cryptography packaged called cmsutil. If you are currently running the old cmsutil please delete and reintsall grutil in its place.
Once you have Go installed on your target environment, simply run the following to install
go get github.com/arroyo/grutil
In your home directory create a folder called ".grutil" and put a text file called "config.yaml" in it.
There is an example config file in the repo.
It has been tested with YAML, but it is possible to use JSON or TOML (use the extensions .json and .toml respectively).
CMS_API_URL must start with https:// or http://
You can override the settings in your yaml config with the following environment variables
Get a copy of your schema or content with the download command. Backup your entire project with the backup command. Render a GraphQL query against a template.
You can add optional --verbose and --debug flags to any command. Verbose will add more details of what is happening as the program runs. Debug is useful if you are having issues and want to see what API calls are happening behind the scenes. Debug will show the GraphQL query being made and the API response body.
grutil download schemas --verbose
grutil download content
download both schemas and content into a timestamped folder
grutil backup
Query content with GraphQL and render it against a go template.
grutil render --template json.txt --query "query MyQuery { faq(where: {id: \"cknmrjsvw7yd\"}) { id title publishedAt updatedAt } }"
Get general help or specific help with a command using.
grutil help
grutil download -h
grutil backup -h