Welcome to my dotfiles! This contains everything I use to config my computer, minus a few things that contain passwords!
This is pretty easy! all you need is Gnu Stow.
git clone --recursive https://github.com/ar1a/dotfiles ~/dotfiles
cd ~/dotfiles
stow emacs # or whatever you want to use!
You can easily remove them by running
stow -D emacs
You will also need Doom emacs.
git clone https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs ~/.emacs.d -b develop
cd ~/.emacs.d
make quickstart
And also, make sure to install the fonts in dotfiles/emacs/.doom.d/fonts.tar.gz **THESE WILL MAKE THE SAVE ICON LOOK LIKE A LIGATURE IN EMACS**
For my mail setup i have my offlineimap running (config included in repo), and also have a .msmtprc in my home directory. You can see how to configure that Here
You will need to create a python file called decrypt.py
with a function
mailpasswd() that returns the password
You have to install `rofi-pass` for pass-store integration.
You can also install rofimoji for an emoji picker https://github.com/fdw/rofimoji
Nixos can’t be stow’d, so my setup is configuration.nix is symlinked to etc/nixos and home.nix is a home-manager thing which is symlinked to \~/.config/nixpkgs