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HashMap Build Status Coverage Status

Basic Hash Map Implementation in C++



Define a hash function by overloading operator() for integer typed key

struct MyKeyHash {
	unsigned long operator()(const int& key) const
		return key % 10;

Declare a hash map with integer typed key and string type value pair

size_t tableSize = 10;
HashMap<int, string, tableSize, MyKeyHash> hmap;

Put a key-value pair into the hashmap

hmap.put(1, "1");

Get the value by key; returns true if successful with value updated

string value;
bool result = hmap.get(2, value);


This is a header only library, so no compile step is required. To use the functionality below however, you must use cmake to generate the makefiles.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..


make install

(Optional) You can also create packages in the build directory. See cpack for details, here is an example for ubuntu.

cpack -G DEB
sudo dpkg -i *.deb


From build directory, run tests:

make test

You can also check the test coverage:

make coverage


Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.