- Anya Helene Bagge, Department of Informatics, University of Bergen
- First edition: Tutorial at CoCoDo'17
- Second edition: Tutorial at UFCG in Campina Grande, Brazil, 2017
- Third edition: Tutorial at CoCoDo'18
Install (if you don't have it already) a full Java 8 JDK. You may want to uninstall any previously installed JREs, to avoid confusion. Rascal needs a full JDK, and may fail if it's launched with just a JRE.
Install Eclipse Oxygen.2 for RCP/RAP developers from https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-rcp-and-rap-developers/neon3 (other versions may work) (Oh, and be careful to not have spaces in your installation directory!)
Install Rascal from http://www.rascal-mpl.org/start/
Clone the CoCoDo Rascal source from: https://github.com/anyahelene/cocodo.git
- In Eclipse: File → Import → Git → Projects From Git
Lecture notes (Rascal language implementation tutorial): https://bytebucket.org/sle-uib/inf225/wiki/docs/full.pdf?rev=8426bd7d0f78856368eae5d9542c662989c9f4df
A more advanced (full) implementation of different variants of the Simpl language: https://bitbucket.org/anyahelene/inf225public/src/b4731730e165a019aeb3ea084a5a904d1d28dc8d/Evaluator/?at=master
Rascal help: http://www.rascal-mpl.org/help/
Rascal library reference: http://tutor.rascal-mpl.org/Rascal/Rascal.html
Get a brief overview of what Rascal is and what it can be used for
Basics of syntax definition – be aware of generalised parsing and ambiguities
Basics of working with concrete syntax
Strings and string interpolation
Visiting data structures
Basics of making an IDE
Open the CoCoDo project. You'll find various source code in the 'src' folder.
If you don't have a Rascal console open in Eclipse already, right click on the project and select Rascal console. Make sure the title of the console tab includes "project: cocodo".
This will setup up syntax highlighting for the languages we're creating.
rascal>import Plugin;
Import the language definition:
import simpl::Simpl;
Remember the semicolon at the end, otherwise you'll get a confusing >>>
If you want to play around with parsing, you should also import the ParseTree module:
import ParseTree;
example = parseSimpl(|project://cocodo/src/simpl/example.simpl|)
- The minus operator is not implemented. Add it to the evaluator and typechecker.
- Simpl is half way between a language based on expressions, and a language that takes a list of definitions, and then a list of expressions. This should be fixed in the evaluator and the typechecker (it's done already for the Simpr language)
- The Plugin file defines the Eclipse plugin, have a look at it, and
- The language is missing a less-than (or other comparison) operator. Add it. Note that the less-than symbol is reserved in Rascal, so you need to escape it:
. - There is syntax for
, but the evaluator (and typechecker) doesn't support it. Addif
. - Priorities and associativity is wrong: make them left associative and at the same priority
In the file src/simpl/Simplifier there's a simple constant folding transformation.
- Add support for other operators
- Try it on nested expressions (it won't work!). You need a bottom-up traversal (
bottom-up visit
). - Add support for variables – you should make a recursive
function, make it take an environment (e.g., map[ID, int]) as argument and call itself recursively when it encounters alet
We also have a language for three-address code.
import tac::ThreeAddressCode;
example = parseTACProgram(|project://cocodo/src/tac/example.tac|)
The parseProgram
function is shorthand for this:
import ParseTree;
programTop = parse(#start[TacProgram], |project://cocodo/src/tac/example.tac|);
program = programTop.top;
import tac::VirtualMachine;
executeProgram(example, "main", [])
- If evaluator:
public Value eval((Expr)
if then else end, Env env) = eval( (Int(0) := eval(cond, env)) ? e2 : e1, env );