This is a temporary fork and release of the original PEX library by Sphereon. https://github.com/Sphereon-Opensource/pex
The Presentation Exchange (PEX) Library implements the functionality described in the DIF Presentation Exchange specification for both version 1 and 2.
Sphereon's PEX Library is useful for both verifier systems and holders (e.g. wallets) and can be used in client side browsers and mobile applications as well as on server side technology such as REST APIs (e.g. built with NodeJS). It allows anyone to add DIF Presentation Exchange logic to their existing wallets, agents and/or verifiers, without making any further assumptions about technologies like cryptography, credential representations used in their products.
A Presentation Exchange generally goes as follows; The verifier creates a Presentation Definition asking for credentials from the holder. The Presentation Definition for the credentials is sent to the holder, who returns a Verifiable Presentation containing Presentation Submission data that links the Credentials in the Presentation to the received Definition as a response. The Presentation Submission describes the relationship between the Verifiable Presentation and the Presentation Definition. It can either be part of the Verifiable Presentation or be external, like in OpenID4VC specifications. Now the verifier will verify the Verifiable Presentation by checking the signature and other accompanying proofs as well as ensuring the Submission Data fulfills the requirements from the specification.
Presentation Exchange will ensure that the model used by the verifier, can be interpreted by the holder. It then ensures that the correct parts from the holders credentials are used to create the presentation. The PEX-library contains all the logic to interpret the models, therefore removing the need for the verifier and holder to align their specific models.
The Typescript data objects (models) used in PEX are generated from Sphereon's DIF PEX OpenAPI Spec component. The code for the component can be found at PEX-OpenAPI github repository. This allows the generation of the objects in many programming languages and frameworks consistently by configuring the maven plugin.
WARNING: Please be aware that this library does not support the latest V2 specification!. Support will be added as part of a V3 major version of this library
- Creating a presentation definition / request
- Validating a presentation definition / conforming to the specifications v1 and v2
- Creating a Presentation
- Creating a Verifiable Presentation using a callback function
- Validating a presentation (submission) when received
- Input evaluations: Verification of presentation submissions conforming to the presentation definition
- Utilities: to build and use different models compliant with the DIF Presentation Exchange v2.0.0 specification.
- Support for DIF Presentation Exchange v1.0.0 specification.
Stateful storage, signature support or credential management should be implemented in separate libraries/modules that make use of this library. By keeping these separate, the PEX library will stay platform-agnostic and lean with respect to dependencies.
The library can be installed directly from npmjs via:
# install via yarn
yarn add @sphereon/pex
# install via npm
npm install @sphereon/pex
The core functionality of the DIF Presentation Exchange can be outlined as follows:
Presentation Definitions are objects that
articulate what proofs a Verifier requires. These help the Verifier to decide how or whether to interact with a Holder.
Presentation Definitions are composed of inputs, which describe the forms and details of the proofs they require, and
optional sets of selection rules, to allow Holders flexibility in cases where different types of proofs may satisfy an
input requirement.
PEX library supports two versions of presentation_definition
object. The details of it can be found
in @spehereon/pex-models
below you can find some tips about querying via a presentation_definition object:
- Using the
field:- You can use the constraint field for creating your query:
constraints: {
fields: [
path: ['$.credentialSubject.role'],
filter: {
type: 'string',
const: 'admin',
- for special cases, like querying fields that start with
you can use the following syntax:- You can use the following syntax, PEX will change it to correct query itself:
path: ['$.@context', '$.vc.@context'];
For querying the arrays, right now we don't support the json-schema fully, but we do support the following syntax:
- using
"fields": [
"path": ["$.type.[*]"],
"filter": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "AlumniCredential"
- using
"fields": [
"path": ["$.type.*"],
"filter": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "AlumniCredential"
- using
type: array
keyword. PEX currently doesn't support this syntax fully, but if you don't rely on ourversionDiscovery
functionality and call the specific version of PEX (PEXv1 or PEXv2) yourself, you can use this syntax as well.
"fields": [
"path": ["$.type"],
"filter": {
"type": "array",
"contains": {
"enum": ["https://example.com/type"]
Input evaluation is the primary mechanism by which a verifier determines whether a Verifiable Presentation and Presentation Submission from a holder matches the requested presentation definition from the request. Obviously a holder/wallet could also use the method to verify whether its submission would be valid, before contacting the verifier.
import { PEX } from '@sphereon/pex';
const pex: PEX = new PEX();
// Example of Presentation Definition V1 (notice the required schema for V1)
const presentationDefinitionV1 = {
"id": "32f54163-7166-48f1-93d8-ff217bdb0653",
"input_descriptors": [
"id": "wa_driver_license",
"name": "Washington State Business License",
"purpose": "We can only allow licensed Washington State business representatives into the WA Business Conference",
"schema": [{
"uri": "https://licenses.example.com/business-license.json"
// Example of Presentation Definition V2
const presentationDefinitionV2 = {
"id": "32f54163-7166-48f1-93d8-ff217bdb0653",
"input_descriptors": [
"id": "wa_driver_license",
"name": "Washington State Business License",
"purpose": "We can only allow licensed Washington State business representatives into the WA Business Conference"
const verifiablePresentation = {
'@context': [
type: [
presentation_submission: { ... },
verifiableCredential: [...],
proof: { ... }
// We are using the PEX class, to automatically detect the definition version. PEXv1 and PEXv2 are also available to use fixed PEX versions
const { value, warnings, errors } = pex.evaluatePresentation(presentationDefinitionV2, verifiablePresentation);
A credential query allows holders to filter their set of credentials for matches to a given presentation definition. This filters out any non-matching Credentials that are passed in. Please note that multiple credentials could be satisfying the definition.
import { PEX } from '@sphereon/pex';
import { IVerifiableCredential } from "./SSI.types";
const pex: PEX = new PEX();
// Definition from verifier request
const presentationDefinition = {
// Finding out which version presentationDefinition is this:
// The result is either 'v1', 'v2' or an error
// You only have to do this if you want to apply some custom logic. The PEX class uses feature detection on the definition to determine whether it is v1 or v2 internally
const result = PEX.definitionVersionDiscovery(pdSchema);
// Example for loading credentials from your secure storage
const credentials: IVerifiableCredential[] = await secureStore.getCredentials();
// Find matching credentials
const srMatches = pex.selectFrom(presentationDefinition, credentials, { holderDIDs: [holderDID] });
// An example that selects the first 'count' credentials from
// the matches. in a real scenario, the user has to select which
// credentials to use. PEX did the first filtering,
// but there still could be multiple credentials satisfying a presentation definition
const selectedCredentials = srMatches.map(
({ matches, count }) => matches.slice(0, count)
To create a Presentation without Proof (for Proofs, see Verifiable Presentation below) you have to pass in the Presentation Definition, selected Verifiable Credentials and an optional holder (DID). The result will be a Verifiable Presentation, without proofs, so actually a Presentation. It also contains the presentation submission data that the verifier can use.
It is left up to you to sign the Presentation and adding the proof and make it a truly Verifiable Presentation. There are different libraries that allow you to do this. You can also use the callback integration mentioned in the next chapter for this.
import { PEX, IPresentation, PresentationResult } from '@sphereon/pex';
const pex: PEX = new PEX();
// Construct presentation from selected credentials
const presentationResult: PresentationResult = pex.presentationFrom(presentationDefinition, selectedCredentials, { holderDIDs: [holderDID] });
const presentation = presentationResult.presentation;
/** presentation object:
* {
* "@context": [
* "https://www.w3.org/2018/credentials/v1",
* "https://identity.foundation/presentation-exchange/submission/v1"
* ],
* "type": [
* "VerifiablePresentation",
* "PresentationSubmission"
* ],
* presentation_submission: presentationSubmission,
* verifiableCredential: selectedCredentials
* };
// Presentation would need to be signed and sent to verifier
NOTE: PEX does not support the creation of signatures by itself. That has to do with the fact that we didn't want to rely on all kinds of signature suites and libraries. PEX has minimal dependencies currently, so that it can be used in all kinds of scenarios.
How did we solve this? We have created a callback mechanism, allowing you to supply a callback function that gets all
input allowing you to use your library of choice to create the signature. The callback needs to accept
a PresentationSignCallBackParams
The method verifiablePresentationFrom
accepts the presentation definition and selected Verifiable Credentials as the
first two arguments, just like the presentationFrom
method. Next it accepts the callback function as argument and
a VerifiablePresentationFromOpts
object as last argument. The sign callback params, allow you to control the signature
process. You will have access in the callback to these params as well.
Before calling your callback function a few things happen. First, just like the presentationFrom
method, it
will evaluate whether the supplied credentials conform to the supplied presentation definition. Then it creates a
presentation, just like presentationFrom
. This presentation is provided for your convenience and can be used in your
callback for simple use cases. In more elaborate cases, like for instance with more complex signature suites and/or
selective disclosure, you will probably not use the IPresentation directly and make use of other arguments passed into
the callback, like the EvaluationResults
, PresentationSubmission
and Partial<IProof>
The proofOptions
and signatureOptions
, allow you to populate proof values directly. in which case
the Partial<IProof>
will have all fields filled to just add it as a proof to the presentation in your callback. This
does mean you would have to create the IPresentation first and sign that, which means you probably have no use for the
callback. If you do not provide these values, the Partial<IProof>
, will still be populated without the proofValue and
jws, based upon your options.
The options accepted by the verifiablePresentationFrom
interface VerifiablePresentationFromOpts {
* The optional holderDID of the presentation
holderDID?: string;
* The presentation submission data location.
* Can be External, which means it is only returned and not embedded into the VP,
* or Presentation, which means it will become part of the VP
presentationSubmissionLocation?: PresentationSubmissionLocation;
* A base presentation payload. Can be used to provide default values. Be aware that any verifiable credential will always be overwritten
basePresentationPayload?: IPresentation;
* IProof options
proofOptions?: ProofOptions;
* The signature options
signatureOptions?: SignatureOptions;
interface ProofOptions {
* The signature type. For instance RsaSignature2018
type?: ProofType | string;
* Type supports selective disclosure?
typeSupportsSelectiveDisclosure?: boolean;
* A challenge protecting against replay attacks
challenge?: string;
* A domain protecting against replay attacks
domain?: string;
* The purpose of this proof, for instance assertionMethod or authentication, see https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/#proofs-signatures-0
proofPurpose?: ProofPurpose | string;
* The ISO8601 date-time string for creation. You can update the IProof value later in the callback. If not supplied the current date/time will be used
created?: string;
* Similar to challenge. A nonce to protect against replay attacks, used in some ZKP proofs
nonce?: string;
interface SignatureOptions {
* The private key
privateKey?: string;
* Key encoding
keyEncoding?: KeyEncoding;
* The verification method value
verificationMethod?: string;
* Can be used if you want to provide the Json-ld proof value directly without relying on the callback function generating it
proofValue?: string; // One of any number of valid representations of proof values
* Can be used if you want to provide the JSW proof value directly without relying on the callback function generating it
jws?: string; // JWS based proof
These options are available in your callback function by accessing the options
field in
the PresentationSignCallBackParams
The callback params gets supplied as the single argument to your callback function. It contains the Presentation
, a
partial 'Proof' typically missing the proofValue/jws signature. It also contains the initially supplied Verifiable
Credentials and Presentation Definition as well as your supplied options.
If contains the Presentation Submission object, which is also found in the presentation. You can use this to create your own IPresentation object if you want. Lastly it contains the evaluation results, which includes the mappings and logs about the evaluation.
You can either choose to use the Presentation
and partial Proof
together with the options
, or in more elaborate
use cases opt to use the PresentationSubmission
, EvaluationResults
and the options
for instance.
export interface PresentationSignCallBackParams {
* The originally supplied presentation sign options
options: VerifiablePresentationFromOpts;
* The presentation definition
presentationDefinition: PresentationDefinition;
* The selected credentials to include in the eventual VP as determined by PEX and/or user
selectedCredentials: (IVerifiableCredential | JwtWrappedVerifiableCredential | string)[];
* The presentation object created from the definition and verifiable credentials.
* Can be used directly or in more complex situations can be discarded by using the definition, credentials, proof options, submission and evaluation results
presentation: IPresentation;
* A partial proof value the callback can use to complete. If proofValue or JWS was supplied the proof could be complete already
proof: Partial<IProof>;
* The presentation submission data, which can also be found in the presentation itself
presentationSubmission: PresentationSubmission;
* The evaluation results, which the callback function could use to create a VP using the proof(s) using the supplied credentials
evaluationResults: EvaluationResults;
A simple use case using your library of choice for non-selective disclosure using an ed25519 key and signature.
import { PEX, IProof, ProofPurpose, ProofType, IVerifiablePresentation, PresentationSignOptions, KeyEncoding } from '@sphereon/pex';
const pex: PEX = new PEX();
const params: VerifiablePresentationFromOpts = {
holderDID: 'did:example:1234....',
proofOptions: {
type: ProofType.Ed25519Signature2018,
proofPurpose: ProofPurpose.assertionMethod,
signatureOptions: {
verificationMethod: 'did:example:"1234......#key',
keyEncoding: KeyEncoding.Base58,
privateKey: 'base58 (key encoding type) key here',
const vp = await pex.verifiablePresentationFrom(presentationDefinition, selectedCredentials, simpleSignedProofCallback, params);
function simpleSignedProofCallback(callBackParams: PresentationSignCallBackParams): IVerifiablePresentation {
// Prereq is properly filled out `proofOptions` and `signatureOptions`, together with a `proofValue` or `jws` value.
// And thus a generated signature
const { presentation, proof, options } = callBackParams; // The created partial proof and presentation, as well as original supplied options
const { signatureOptions, proofOptions } = options; // extract the orignially supploed signature and proof Options
const privateKeyBase58 = signatureOptions.privateKey; // Please check keyEncoding from signatureOptions first!
* IProof looks like this:
* {
* type: 'Ed25519Signature2018',
* created: '2021-12-01T20:10:45.000Z',
* proofPurpose: 'assertionMethod',
* verificationMethod: 'did:example:"1234......#key',
* .....
* }
// Just an example. Obviously your lib will have a different method signature
const vp = myVPSignLibrary(presentation, { ...proof, privateKeyBase58 });
return vp;
In addition to the core functionality above, the underlying validation methods are exposed as low-level helper functions.
import { PEX } from '@sphereon/pex';
const presentationDefinition = {
const result = PEX.definitionVersionDiscovery(presentationDefinition);
const { warnings: pdWarnings, errors: pdErrors } = PEX.validateDefinition(presentationDefinition);
const presentationSubmission = {
const { warnings: psWarnings, errors: psErrors } = PEX.validateSubmission(presentationSubmission);
PEX.evaluatePresentation(presentationDefinition, verifiablePresentation);
PEXv1.evaluatePresentation(presentationDefinition, verifiablePresentation);
PEXv2.evaluatePresentation(presentationDefinition, verifiablePresentation);
These three methods are quite similar. The first One receives a presentation definition object, decides the version based upon feature detection and acts accordingly. The other two are specific to their Presentation Exchange definition version.
For more detailed difference between v1 and v2 please read the From V1 to V2 section.
Evaluates whether a presentation submission meets the requested presentation definition Since this method will be used both before and after creating a VerifiablePresentation, we accept both signed and unsigned version of a presentation here.
name | type | description |
presentationDefinition |
PresentationDefinition |
the presentation definition that initiated the request from the verifier |
presentation |
IPresentation |
the Presentation object containing the required credentials and a presentation_submission object mapping back to the presentation definition |
If evaluation is successful, value
will be a non-null PresentationSubmission
mapping the submitted credentials to
the requested inputs.
interface EvaluationResults {
value?: PresentationSubmission;
warnings?: string[];
errors?: Error[];
verifiableCredential: (IVerifiableCredential | JwtWrappedVerifiableCredential | string)[];
PEX.selectFrom(presentationDefinition, credentials, { holderDIDs });
PEXv1.selectFrom(presentationDefinitionV1, credentials, { holderDIDs });
PEXv2.selectFrom(presentationDefinitionV2, credentials, { holderDIDs });
These three methods are quite similar. The first One receives a presentation definition object, decides the version based upon feature detection and acts accordingly. The other two are specific to their version.
For more detailed difference between v1 and v2 of the spec please read the From V1 to V2 section.
Gathers the matching credentials that fit a given presentation definition. Please note that there could be multiple results fitting the same criteria. This basically only filters out the credentials that do not match the definition. You, or rather the user, typically has to do a final selection.
name | type | description |
presentationDefinition |
PresentationDefinition |
the presentation definition that initiated the request from the verifier |
credentials |
(IVerifiableCredential or JwtWrappedVerifiableCredential or string)[] |
the array of verifiable credentials to select from |
{ holderDIDs } |
string[] |
the holder's DIDs. this can be found in VerifiablePresentation's holder property note that a wallet can have many holderDIDs retrieved from different places |
- If the selection was successful or partially successful, the
array will consist ofSubmissionRequirementMatch
object(s), representing the matching credentials for eachSubmissionRequirement
in thepresentationDefinition
input parameter. - If the selection was not successful, the
array will consist ofChecked
object(s), representing what has failed in your selection process.
import { Status } from './ConstraintUtils';
interface SelectResults {
errors?: Checked[];
matches?: SubmissionRequirementMatch[];
* This is the parameter that the PEX library user should look into to determine what to do next
* Status can have three values:
* 1. INFO: everything is fine, you can call `presentationFrom` after this method
* 2. WARN: method was called with more credentials than required.
* To enhance credential holderDID's privacy it is recommended to select credentials which are absolutely required.
* 3. Error: the credentials you've sent didn't satisfy the requirement defined presentationDefinition object. Do not submit!
areRequiredCredentialsPresent: Status;
* All matched/selectable credentials
verifiableCredential?: (IVerifiableCredential | JwtWrappedVerifiableCredential | string)[];
* Following are indexes of the verifiableCredentials passed to the selectFrom method that have been selected.
vcIndexes?: number[];
warnings?: Checked[];
interface SubmissionRequirementMatch {
name?: string;
rule: Rules;
min?: number;
count?: number;
max?: number;
vc_path: string[];
from?: string[];
from_nested?: SubmissionRequirementMatch[]; // VerifiableCredential Address
PEX.presentationFrom(presentationDefinition, selectedCredentials, { holderDID });
PEXv1.presentationFrom(presentationDefinitionV1, selectedCredentials, { holderDID });
PEXv2.presentationFrom(presentationDefinitionV2, selectedCredentials, { holderDID });
These three methods are quite similar. The first One receives a presentation definition object, decides the version based upon feature detection and acts accordingly. The other two are specific to their version.
**For more detailed difference between v1 and v2 specification please read the From V1 to V2 section **.
Creates the corresponding Presentation Submission object to be included in the Verifiable Presentation response, which
maps the submitted credentials to the requested inputs in the presentationDefinition
input parameter.
name | type | description |
presentationDefinition |
PresentationDefinitionV1 |
the v1 presentation definition that initiated the request from the verifier |
selectedCredentials |
(IVerifiableCredential or JwtWrappedVerifiableCredential or string)[] |
the array of verifiable credentials that meet the submission requirements in the presentation definition |
{ holderDID } |
string |
the holder's DID. This can be found in IVerifiablePresentation's holder property note that a wallet can have many holderDIDs retrieved from different places |
name | type | description |
presentationDefinition |
PresentationDefinitionV2 |
the v2 presentation definition that initiated the request from the verifier |
selectedCredentials |
(IVerifiableCredential or JwtWrappedVerifiableCredential or string)[] |
the array of verifiable credentials that meet the submission requirements in the presentation definition |
{ holderDID } |
string |
the holder's DID. This can be found in IVerifiablePresentation's holder property note that a wallet can have many holderDIDs retrieved from different places |
If the selected credentials successfully match the submission requirements in the presentation definition, the return
value will be a non-null 'Presentation' containing a PresentationSubmission
interface PresentationSubmission {
id?: string;
definition_id: string;
descriptor_map: Descriptor[];
A validation utility function for PresentationDefinition
and PresentationSubmission
objects. If you know the version
of your presentation definition you can call version-specific functions. If not you can call the general one (located in
PEX) to first determine the version and then validate the presentation definition object against that version's specific
name | type | description |
objToValidate |
PresentationDefinition | PresentationSubmission |
the presentation definition or presentation submission to be validated |
The validate
method returns a validated results array NonEmptyArray<Checked>
, with structure:
interface Checked {
tag: string;
status: Status;
message?: string;
status can have following values 'info' | 'warn' | 'error'
A utility function for PresentationDefinition
objects. This method will determine the version of your
presentationDefinition object.
name | type | description |
presentationDefinition |
PresentationDefinition |
the presentation definition that you need to decide the version for |
The definitionVersionDiscovery
method returns a version or an error, with following structure:
interface DiscoveredVersion {
version?: PEVersion;
error?: string;
enum PEVersion {
v1 = 'v1',
v2 = 'v2',
The following changes has been made in the v2 version of the Presentation Exchange specification. V1 is still the most predominant version, because it is typically used quite a bite in OpenID4VC scenarios and interop profiles.
- The required
has been removed altogether fromInputDescriptor
properties, because it was confusing and redundant. presentation_definition
has another property calledframe
and if present, its value MUST be a JSON LD Framing Document object. Used for selective disclosure. Although this library does not use it currently, as we can perform it without frames.filter
has several more options for filtering:- formatMaximum
- formatMinimum
- formatExclusiveMaximum
- formatExclusiveMinimum
As a result we introduced the PEX
class to replace the former PEJS
class. This class does feature detection on the
presentation definition to determine whether it is a v1 or v2 spec. Then it delegates the functionality to the PEXv1 or
PEXv2 class respectively. See also: v0.6 Breaking changes
WARNING: Please be aware that this library does not support the latest V2 specification!. Support will be added as part of a V3 major version of this library
The below diagram shows how a typical interaction between a verifier and a wallet looks like. It makes no assumptions about the actual transport (DIDComm, SIOPv2/OIDC4VP, CHAPI, REST)
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version 1.22.5node
version >= 16
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yarn test
There are several other utility scripts that help with development.
yarn fix
- runseslint --fix
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to fix code styleyarn cov
- generates code coverage report
Term | Definition |
Credential | A set of one or more claims made by an issuer. |
Verifiable Credential | Is a tamper-evident credential that has authorship that can be cryptographically verified. Verifiable credentials can be used to build Verifiable Presentations, which can also be cryptographically verified. The claims in a credential can be about different subjects. PEX accepts Verifiable credential in 3 forms: 1. JSON_LD which is know in our system as IVerifiableCredential, 2. JWT-Wrapped VC which is known in our system as JwtWrappedVerifiableCredential or string which is a valid Verifiable credential jwt |
Presentation Definition | Presentation Definitions are objects that articulate what proofs a Verifier requires. |
Holder | Holders are entities that have one or more verifiable credentials in their possession. Holders are also the entities that submit proofs to Verifiers to satisfy the requirements described in a Presentation Definition. |
Holder's Did | Unique ID URI string and PKI metadata document format for describing the cryptographic keys and other fundamental PKI values linked to a unique, user-controlled, self-sovereign identifier in holder's wallet |
Verifier | Verifiers are entities that define what proofs they require from a Holder (via a Presentation Definition) in order to proceed with an interaction. |
Issuer | A role an entity can perform by asserting claims about one or more subjects, creating a verifiable credential from these claims, and transmitting the verifiable credential to a holder. |
Presentation | Data derived from one or more verifiable credentials, issued by one or more issuers |
Verifiable Presentation | Is a tamper-evident presentation encoded in such a way that authorship of the data can be trusted after a process of cryptographic verification. |
This implementation fully supports V1 and Vpartially 2 of the Presentation Exchange specification with the following exception:
- Support for hashlink verification in the schema part of the V1 specification is not fully incorporated as it depends on missing external library support. We generate a warning about the missing verification if we encounter them.
- Support for complete json-schema in
- which means if you're relying on our version-discovery feature (with calling general
) and sendingpresentation_definition
object with unsupported fields, you'll get an exception. However if you call specific version of PEX (PEXv1 or PEXv2) it will work.
- which means if you're relying on our version-discovery feature (with calling general
- The V2 implementation does not contain latest V2 changes. These will become available in V3 of this library
In V2 of the library we have done some refactoring on the PEX external interfaces, to make them more uniform.
Optional arguments for all PEX methods are now part of an optional opts
Object argument. This allows for cleaner
future extensions, and
also solves the problem of optional argument order in case multiple optional arguments are needed.
Certain non state related methods part of the PEX/PEXv1/PEXv2 classes have moved to static methods, to make the distinction between state related methods and non-state related methods more clear.
and verifiablePresentationFrom
now return a result object instead of directly returning a (
Verifiable) Presentation.
Reason is that in certain use cases you will want to have an external Presentation Submission object, like for instance
in OpenID4VP.
You can now provide an optional argument where the Presentation Submission object should be located. It will always be returned in the methods, as well as an indication whether it is used externally or embedded into the (Verifiable) Presentation.
The (Verifiable) Presentation object is present in the result object in the presentation resp. verifiablePresentation property.
No more need for _const and _enum models/properties in Presentation Definitions. They are now const
and enum
in OpenAPI model generation). The code replaces the previous versions to be sure.
As part of introducing Presentation Exchange v1 and v2 feature based detection support to our Presentation Exchange library and not reaching version 1.X yet, we decided to change the name of both the package and the main entry class:
- The package was changed from
- The main class was changed from
. The latter class has internal feature detection support on the provided definition, delegating the actual implementation to the newPEXv1
class internally. If you don't want the automatic feature detection you can also choose to use thePEXv1
classes directly.
This Presentation Exchange library Open Source software released under the Apache 2.0 license.