Less is a command line tool facilitating development with lessgo framework. It is modified from bee.
- Go version >= 1.3.
Begin by installing less
using go get
go get github.com/henrylee2cn/less
Then you can add less
binary to PATH environment variable in your ~/.bashrc
or ~/.bash_profile
export PATH=$PATH:<your_main_gopath>/bin
If you already have
installed, updatingless
is simple:
go get -u github.com/henrylee2cn/less
Less provides a variety of commands which can be helpful at various stage of development. The top level commands include:
new create an application base on lessgo framework
run run the app which can hot compile
Creating a new lessgo web application is no big deal, too.
$ less new myapp
[INFO] Creating application...
2016/08/08 15:45:47 [SUCC] New application successfully created!
To run the application we just created, navigate to the application folder and execute less run
$ cd myapp
$ less run
If you happend to forget the usage of a command, you can always find the usage information by less help <command>
For instance, to get more information about the run
$ less help run
usage: less run [appname] [watchall] [-main=*.go]
start the appname throw exec.Command
then start a inotify watch for current dir
when the file has changed less will auto go build and restart the app
file changed
check if it's go file
yes no
| |
go build do nothing
restart app
─Project 项目开发目录
├─config 配置文件目录
│ ├─app.config 系统应用配置文件
│ └─db.config 数据库配置文件
├─common 后端公共目录
│ └─... 如utils等其他
├─middleware 后端公共中间件目录
├─static 前端公共目录 (url: /static)
│ ├─tpl 公共tpl模板目录
│ ├─js 公共js目录 (url: /static/js)
│ ├─css 公共css目录 (url: /static/css)
│ ├─img 公共img目录 (url: /static/img)
│ └─plugin 公共js插件 (url: /static/plugin)
├─uploads 默认上传下载目录
├─router 源码路由配置
│ ├─sys_router.go 系统模块路由文件
│ ├─biz_router.go 业务模块路由文件
├─sys_handler 系统模块后端目录
│ ├─xxx 子模块目录
│ │ ├─example.go example操作
│ │ └─... xxx的子模块目录
│ └─... 其他子模块目录
├─sys_model 系统模块数据模型目录
├─sys_view 系统模块前端目录 (url: /sys)
│ ├─xxx 与sys_handler对应的子模块目录 (url: /sys/xxx)
│ │ ├─example.tpl 相应操作的模板文件
│ │ ├─example2.html 无需绑定操作的静态html文件
│ │ ├─xxx.css css文件(可有多个)
│ │ ├─xxx.js js文件(可有多个)
│ │ └─... xxx的子模块目录
├─biz_handler 业务模块后端目录
│ ├─xxx 子模块目录
│ │ ├─example.go example操作
│ │ └─... xxx的子模块目录
│ └─... 其他子模块目录
├─biz_model 业务模块数据模型目录
├─biz_view 业务模块前端目录 (url: /biz)
│ ├─xxx 与biz_handler对应的子模块目录 (url: /biz/xxx)
│ │ ├─example.tpl 相应操作的模板文件
│ │ ├─example2.html 无需绑定操作的静态html文件
│ │ ├─xxx.css css文件(可有多个)
│ │ ├─xxx.js js文件(可有多个)
│ │ └─... xxx的子模块目录
├─database 默认数据库文件存储目录
├─logger 运行日志输出目录
└─main.go 应用入口文件