I’m using NixOS to manage most of my stuff. There are other configurations stored within here as well.
# Clone folder into .config directory
git clone https://github.com/aliyss/dotfiles temp
mkdir -p ~/.config
mv -v temp/* ~/.config
# Only use the following if you're aliyss
mv -v temp/.git ~/.config/.git
mv -v temp/.gitignore ~/.config/.gitignore
# Cleanup
rm -rf temp
# Update System
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake ~/.config/flake#aliyss-bequitta
# Update Home
home-manager switch --flake ~/.config/flake#aliyss
Configuration (System): configuration.nix Configuration (Home): home.nix
Configuration: hyprland.conf
Using Hyprland because it just does most of what I like and the Animations are just perfect.
Terminal (foot)SUPER-C
Browser (firefox)SUPER-E
Editor (emacs)
Configuration: foot.ini
Foot has some good transparency. I tried other Terminals like Alacritty and Kitty, but they are not quite my cup of tea.
Styling is mostly ok, since most of it is managed via ZSH. Just added the bit of transparency.
Configuration: zsh.nix
Need to add additional styling for what information to hide and what to show. Since some information can be offloaded to tmux.
Configuration: tmux.nix
Need to add additional styling for bars, so I can differentiate between the current and the ssh terminal.
Need to configure Ressurect & Continuum, so I can restart from where I left off.
Configuration: config.org
I switched from NeoVim to Emacs. No regrets. Stuck in the same configuration hell.
- Make sure you are using GnuPG 2.4.0 since 2.4.1 has issues.
- Create Configuration Files:
- Fill data after following the Org-Gcal Installation.
Install the lsp-servers you need with M-x lsp-server-install
Configuration: spicetify.nix
Activated Style: text
Need to style it so it has the same background like all the other applications.
Configuration (CSS): aliyss.css
Run following command in Tridactyl:
:colourscheme --url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aliyss/dotfiles/master/tridactyl/aliyss.css aliyss
Need to add additional styling for Tridactyl and somehow export the configuration so I can load off that again.
Configuration (ga): ga
Keyboard Layout is a custom layout I designed. It’s based on Colemak DHM, but follows the CH (Swiss) Keyboard Layout closely. Special Characters stay the same.