I'm a (back-end) PHP developer - specialising in Symfony, Code quality and system optimisation. I love to keep up with technology and plan the systems & write code to help my sites handle mid-to-large scale and many users. Based in London, UK, but I've been working remotely for years.
- 👨💻 All of my projects are available at https://github.com/alister
- 📝 I regularly write articles on https://alister.github.io/
- 📝 and more technically, on https://www.phpscaling.com/
- 💬 Ask me about Scaling PHP & Code-quality
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected], https://hachyderm.io/@alister
- ⚡ Resume / CV link site https://abulman.co.uk/
- Answer by Alister Bulman for How to access "storage:ArrayObject:private" property in Beanstalkd library Version 1.13+1+g91c54fc?
- Answer by Alister Bulman for Queue worker freezes unexpectedly and requires restart work work again
- Answer by Alister Bulman for Installing vendor library using composer
- Answer by Alister Bulman for Which services to retain in Composer for authenticating with 'Sign In With Google' button using Google's APIs Client Library for PHP?
- Answer by Alister Bulman for Rewriting PHPDocs based on the correct types
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