redis-server must be installed and running
in my /etc/redis.conf: databases 64
here ( )
long-running-celery task with sse and sio.
in5 is similar to in3, in4
uses sio-port 5001, redis-backend disabled for celery, celery task with json-request added
in3, in4 - UI updaters with multiple celery-beats-workers + pydal + sse-starlette + uvicorn + socketio + live_chart + jpeg_stream + video_stream
0 put in3, in4 to py4web/apps
1 run py4web
2 cd apps/in3 && python -r
3 cd apps/in4 && python -r
4 firefox localhost:8000/in3 localhost:8000/in4
( uvicorn in in3 uses 3000/tcp, uvicorn in in4 uses 5000/tcp )
celery-beats-workers uses /tmp/xshed.app_name files
( /tmp/xshed.app_name files will be deleted if you run the with the -s key )
( ports can be changed in the files in3/, in4/ )
for stop apps use -s in in3 in4 directory
0 put capp to py4web/apps/capp
1 run py4web
2 from py4web directory run celery
celery -A apps.capp.celery_stuff worker --loglevel=info
3 firefox localhost:8000/capp
fcapp - py4web app from
0 put fcapp to py4web/apps/fcapp
1 run py4web
2 celery -A apps.fcapp.celery_stuff worker --loglevel=info
3 firefox localhost:8000/fcapp
tcapp - py4web app from
(tcapp: celery + websocket + tornado-second-server(localhost:6000) )
0 put tcapp to py4web/apps/tcapp
1 run py4web
2 cd apps/tcapp/tor_cel
3 celery -A celery_tasks worker -l info &
4 python &
5 firefox localhost:8000/tcapp
upui - py4web + socketio + celery + redis
( upui - Dynamically sends a linux-loadavg from /proc/loadavg to html pages every 2 sec and updates part of the page without using ajax, sends data to pydal )
0 put upui to py4web/apps/upui
1 run py4web
2 in other terminal cd py4web
celery -A apps.upui.celery_stuff beat &
celery -A apps.upui.celery_stuff worker -l info
3 in other terminal
cd py4web/apps/upui
4 fierfox localhost:8000/upui
5 also, test pgs_reload with
curl http://localhost:8000/upui/pgs_reload
curl http://localhost:8000/upui/sio_pusher
idea from