Golang Client API for Widevine Cloud.
go get github.com/alfg/widevine
// Set Widevine options and create instance.
options := widevine.Options{
Key: []byte{key}, // Your Widevine Key as a byte array.
IV: []byte{iv}, // Your Widevine IV as a byte array.
Provider: "widevine_test", // Your Widevine Provider/Portal.
// Create the Widevine instance.
wv := widevine.New(options)
// Your video content ID, usually a GUID.
contentID := "testing"
// Set policy options.
policy := widevine.Policy{
ContentID: contentID,
Tracks: []string{"SD", "HD", "AUDIO"},
DRMTypes: []string{"WIDEVINE"},
Policy: "default",
// Make the request to generate or get a content key.
resp := wv.GetContentKey(contentID, policy)
// Response data from Widevine Cloud.
fmt.Println("status: ", resp.Status)
fmt.Println("drm: ", resp.DRM)
for _, v := range resp.Tracks {
fmt.Println("key_id: ", v.KeyID)
fmt.Println("type: ", v.Type)
fmt.Println("drm_type: ", v.PSSH[0].DRMType)
fmt.Println("data: ", v.PSSH[0].Data)
fmt.Println("already_used: ", resp.AlreadyUsed)
You can also use this package to create a license proxy.
See: examples/proxy
See: examples
protoc.exe --go_out=. *.proto
- External Keys
- Custom PSSH API
- Tests
- More error handling
- Implement more Widevine features