An implementation of finite difference methods (FDM) to solve partial differential equations (PDE).
The first method to be implemented is Richtmyer's 2 step Lax-Wendroff method.
This is the README file for the project.
A paper on the VaMpy Python package has been published in the Journal of Open Research Software. Whenever using VaMpy for your research, please cite it as
Diem AK, Bressloff NW (2017) VaMpy: A Python Package to Solve 1D Blood Flow Problems. Journal of Open Research Software 5: 17,
The package is available on Github. To clone the package run
git clone
To ensure all package dependencies are met it is easiest to set up a new Anaconda environment for VaMpy. This step is optional. The file vampy.yml can be used for this by calling
conda env create -f vampy.yml
source activate vampy
The first command creates the Anaconda environment vampy
which contains all required packages, whilst the second command sets the current terminal to use this environment. To install VaMpy run
python install
To execute one of the example files run
python bifurcation.cfg
To plot the data created from the example run
python bifurcation.cfg
- added outlet boundary condition for constant pressure
- made code Python 2-3 compatible using the cheat sheet on
- plots can now also be displayed instead of saved to file
The module documentation can be found on
The module documentation also contains a section on setting up an artery simulation, explaining parameters in the configuration file and code used to set up a simulation.