Nirah is a project aimed at automatically wrapping verilator C++ models in python in order for high level, extendable control and verification of verilog systems.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
GCC 5+ (or 4+ with stdc++ libs linked)
Python 3.0+
Currently Nirah is a standalone script but in future it will be a utility called from a command line. To get up and running the repository should act as a workspace to work as a testbed.
git clone
cd Nirah
python RTL/sha256_rtl/sha256.v -O3 --verilator="-IRTL/sha256_rtl"
This will generate a wrapped libary that you can perform tests on. You will need to move the generated python file from obj_dir to TESTBENCH/sha256_tb aswell as the shared _sha256.o. An example of this is shown in the following:
mv obj_dir/ TESTBENCH/sha256_tb/
python TESTBENCH/sha256_tb/
view for VCD dumping code.
The following GIF shows the heirachy autocompletion within Visual Code. The ports are exposed as variables an can be written to the DUT as integers, however other forms of data can be handled natively by Python such as hex and binary values.
Nirah provides minimal support for arrays.
The project is in it's intial stages and can synthesize large designs, however there are bugs with tracing on some larger designs with work arounds already implimented
Trace dumping (VCD)
Multi-dimensional Array
Command line args
Use with --swig="...", --gcc="...", etc
Complex examples
Added SHA256 example
Multi-threaded. (Compiles but is slower than single threaded)
Nirah library for verilog helper features
- Aaron Kelly - Initial work - AaronKel
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
- Inspiration from sin00b with VerilatorGen.rb a ruby wrapper for Verilator
- Joachim Strombergson for allowing the redistribution of SHA256 example