Package cgi implements the common gateway interface (CGI) for Caddy 2, a modern, full-featured, easy-to-use web server.
It has been forked from the fantastic work of Kurt Jung who wrote that plugin for Caddy 1.
This plugin lets you generate dynamic content on your website by means
of command line scripts. To collect information about the inbound HTTP
request, your script examines certain environment variables such as
. Then, to return a dynamically generated
web page to the client, your script simply writes content to standard
output. In the case of POST requests, your script reads additional
inbound content from standard input.
The advantage of CGI is that you do not need to fuss with server startup and persistence, long term memory management, sockets, and crash recovery. Your script is called when a request matches one of the patterns that you specify in your Caddyfile. As soon as your script completes its response, it terminates. This simplicity makes CGI a perfect complement to the straightforward operation and configuration of Caddy. The benefits of Caddy, including HTTPS by default, basic access authentication, and lots of middleware options extend easily to your CGI scripts.
CGI has some disadvantages. For one, Caddy needs to start a new process for each request. This can adversely impact performance and, if resources are shared between CGI applications, may require the use of some interprocess synchronization mechanism such as a file lock. Your server's responsiveness could in some circumstances be affected, such as when your web server is hit with very high demand, when your script's dependencies require a long startup, or when concurrently running scripts take a long time to respond. However, in many cases, such as using a pre-compiled CGI application like fossil or a Lua script, the impact will generally be insignificant. Another restriction of CGI is that scripts will be run with the same permissions as Caddy itself. This can sometimes be less than ideal, for example when your script needs to read or write files associated with a different owner.
Serving dynamic content exposes your server to more potential threats than serving static pages. There are a number of considerations of which you should be aware when using CGI applications.
CGI scripts should be located outside of Caddy's document root. Otherwise, an inadvertent misconfiguration could result in Caddy delivering the script as an ordinary static resource. At best, this could merely confuse the site visitor. At worst, it could expose sensitive internal information that should not leave the server.
Mistrust the contents of PATH_INFO
and standard
input. Most of the environment variables available to your CGI program
are inherently safe because they originate with Caddy and cannot be
modified by external users. This is not the case with PATH_INFO
and, in the case of POST actions, the contents of
standard input. Be sure to validate and sanitize all inbound content. If
you use a CGI library or framework to process your scripts, make sure
you understand its limitations.
An error in a CGI application is generally handled within the application itself and reported in the headers it returns.
Your CGI application can be executed directly or indirectly. In the direct case, the application can be a compiled native executable or it can be a shell script that contains as its first line a shebang that identifies the interpreter to which the file's name should be passed. Caddy must have permission to execute the application. On Posix systems this will mean making sure the application's ownership and permission bits are set appropriately; on Windows, this may involve properly setting up the filename extension association.
In the indirect case, the name of the CGI script is passed to an interpreter such as lua, perl or python.
This module needs to be installed (obviously).
Refer to the Caddy documentation on how to build Caddy with plugins/modules.
Note: If you build manually, beware to include the major version in the module path. For example
xcaddy build
The basic cgi directive lets you add a handler in the current caddy router location with a given script and optional arguments. The matcher is a default caddy matcher that is used to restrict the scope of this directive. The directive can be repeated any reasonable number of times. Here is the basic syntax:
cgi [matcher] exec [args...]
For example:
cgi /report /usr/local/cgi-bin/report
When a request such as or arrives, the cgi middleware will detect the match and invoke the script named /usr/local/cgi-bin/report. The current working directory will be the same as Caddy itself. Here, it is assumed that the script is self-contained, for example a pre-compiled CGI application or a shell script. Here is an example of a standalone script, similar to one used in the cgi plugin's test suite:
printf "Content-type: text/plain\n\n"
printf "PATH_INFO [%s]\n" $PATH_INFO
exit 0
The environment variables PATH_INFO
are populated
and passed to the script automatically. There are a number of other
standard CGI variables included that are described below. If you need to
pass any special environment variables or allow any environment
variables that are part of Caddy's process to pass to your script, you
will need to use the advanced directive syntax described below.
Beware that in Caddy v2 it is (currently) not possible to separate the
path left of the matcher from the full URL. Therefore if you require
your CGI program to know the SCRIPT_NAME
, make sure to pass that
cgi /script.cgi* /path/to/my/script someargument {
script_name /script.cgi
In order to specify custom environment variables, pass along one or more environment variables known to Caddy, or specify more than one match pattern for a given rule, you will need to use the advanced directive syntax. That looks like this:
cgi [matcher] exec [args...] {
script_name subpath
dir working_directory
env key1=val1 [key2=val2...]
pass_env key1 [key2...]
buffer_limit <size>
For example,
cgi /sample/report* /usr/local/bin/ {
script_name /sample/report
env DB=/usr/local/share/app/app.db SECRET=/usr/local/share/app/secret CGI_LOCAL=
pass_env HOME UID
The script_name
subdirective helps the cgi module to separate the path
to the script from the (virtual) path afterwards (which shall be passed
to the script).
can be used to define a list of key=value
environment variable
pairs that shall be passed to the script. pass_env
can be used to
define a list of environment variables of the Caddy process that shall
be passed to the script.
If your CGI application runs properly at the command line but fails to
run from Caddy it is possible that certain environment variables may be
missing. For example, the ruby gem loader evidently requires the HOME
environment variable to be set; you can do this with the subdirective
pass_env HOME
. Another class of problematic applications require the
The pass_all_env
subdirective instructs Caddy to pass each environment
variable it knows about to the CGI excutable. This addresses a common
frustration that is caused when an executable requires an environment
variable and fails without a descriptive error message when the variable
cannot be found. These applications often run fine from the command
prompt but fail when invoked with CGI. The risk with this subdirective
is that a lot of server information is shared with the CGI executable.
Use this subdirective only with CGI applications that you trust not to
leak this information.
is used when a http request has
Transfer-Endcoding: chunked
. The Go CGI Handler refused to handle
these kinds of requests, see golang/go#5613.
In order to work around this the chunked request is buffered by caddy
and sent to the CGI application as a whole with the correct
set. The buffer_limit
setting marks a threshold
between buffering in memory and using a temporary file. Every request
body smaller than the buffer_limit
is buffered in-memory. It accepts
all formats supported by
Default: 4MiB
(An example of this is git push
if the objects to push are larger than
With the unbuffered_output
subdirective it is possible to instruct the
CGI handler to flush output from the CGI script as soon as possible. By
default, the output is buffered into chunks before it is being written
to optimize the network usage and allow to determine the Content-Length.
When unbuffered, bytes will be written as soon as possible. This will
also force the response to be written in chunked encoding.
If you run into unexpected results with the CGI plugin, you are able to
examine the environment in which your CGI application runs. To enter
inspection mode, add the subdirective inspect
to your CGI
configuration block. This is a development option that should not be
used in production. When in inspection mode, the plugin will respond to
matching requests with a page that displays variables of interest. In
particular, it will show the replacement value of {match}
and the
environment variables to which your CGI application has access.
For example, consider this example CGI block:
cgi /wapp/*.tcl /usr/local/bin/wapptclsh /home/quixote/projects{path} {
script_name /wapp
pass_env HOME LANG
env DB=/usr/local/share/app/app.db SECRET=/usr/local/share/app/secret
When you request a matching URL, for example,
the Caddy server will deliver a text page similar to the following. The CGI application (in this case, wapptclsh) will not be called.
CGI for Caddy inspection page
Executable .................... /usr/local/bin/wapptclsh
Arg 1 ....................... /home/quixote/projects/hello.tcl
Root .......................... /
Dir ........................... /home/quixote/www
DB .......................... /usr/local/share/app/app.db
PATH_INFO ...................
REMOTE_USER .................
SCRIPT_EXEC ................. /usr/local/bin/wapptclsh /home/quixote/projects/hello.tcl
SCRIPT_FILENAME ............. /usr/local/bin/wapptclsh
SCRIPT_NAME ................. /wapp/hello
SECRET ...................... /usr/local/share/app/secret
Inherited environment
HOME ........................ /home/quixote
LANG ........................ en_US.UTF-8
{path} ...................... /hello
{root} ...................... /
{} .........
{} ......... GET
{} ......... /wapp/hello.tcl
This information can be used to diagnose problems with how a CGI application is called.
To return to operation mode, remove or comment out the inspect
In this example, the Caddyfile looks like this:
http_port 8080
order cgi before respond
cgi /show* /usr/local/cgi-bin/report/gen {
script_name /show
Note that a request for /show gets mapped to a script named /usr/local/cgi-bin/report/gen. There is no need for any element of the script name to match any element of the match pattern.
The contents of /usr/local/cgi-bin/report/gen are:
printf "Content-type: text/plain\n\n"
printf "example error message\n" > /dev/stderr
if [ "POST" = "$REQUEST_METHOD" -a -n "$CONTENT_LENGTH" ]; then
printf "AUTH_TYPE [%s]\n" $AUTH_TYPE
printf "PATH_INFO [%s]\n" $PATH_INFO
printf "POST_DATA [%s]\n" $POST_DATA
printf "REMOTE_ADDR [%s]\n" $REMOTE_ADDR
printf "REMOTE_HOST [%s]\n" $REMOTE_HOST
printf "REMOTE_USER [%s]\n" $REMOTE_USER
printf "SCRIPT_EXEC [%s]\n" $SCRIPT_EXEC
printf "SCRIPT_NAME [%s]\n" $SCRIPT_NAME
printf "SERVER_NAME [%s]\n" $SERVER_NAME
printf "SERVER_PORT [%s]\n" $SERVER_PORT
exit 0
The purpose of this script is to show how request information gets
communicated to a CGI script. Note that POST data must be read from
standard input. In this particular case, posted data gets stored in the
variable POST_DATA
. Your script may use a different method to read
POST content. Secondly, the SCRIPT_EXEC
variable is not a CGI
standard. It is provided by this middleware and contains the entire
command line, including all arguments, with which the CGI script was
When a browser requests
the response looks like
PATH_INFO [/weekly]
QUERY_STRING [mode=summary]
SCRIPT_EXEC [/usr/local/cgi-bin/report/gen]
When a client makes a POST request, such as with the following command
wget -O - -q --post-data="city=San%20Francisco"
the response looks the same except for the following lines:
CONTENT_TYPE [application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
POST_DATA [city=San%20Francisco]
This small example demonstrates how to write a CGI program in Go. The use of a bytes.Buffer makes it easy to report the content length in the CGI header.
package main
import (
func main() {
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "Server time at %s is %s\n",
os.Getenv("SERVER_NAME"), time.Now().Format(time.RFC1123))
fmt.Println("Content-type: text/plain")
fmt.Printf("Content-Length: %d\n\n", buf.Len())
When this program is compiled and installed as /usr/local/bin/servertime, the following directive in your Caddy file will make it available:
cgi /servertime /usr/local/bin/servertime
The module is written in a way that it expects the scripts you want it to execute to actually exist. A non-existing or non-executable file is considered a setup error and will yield a HTTP 500.
If you want to make sure, only existing scripts are executed, use a more specific matcher, as explained in the Caddy docs.
@iscgi {
path /cgi/*
file {
root ./app/
cgi @iscgi ./app{path}
When calling a url like /cgi/foo/
it will check if the local
file ./app/foo/
exists and only then it will proceed with
calling the CGI.