A capturing system using playwright, as a web service.
You need poetry installed, see the install guide. The poetry shell plugin is not strictly required, but will make your life easier. You can install it this way.
Lacus supports valkey or redis, but valkey is prefered now due to the change of license. So we will use valkey below, but as of now, redis also works.
System dependencies:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install build-essential
# To run the tests
sudo apt install tcl
You need to have valkey cloned and installed in the same directory you clone the lacus repository in:
and valkey
must be in the same directory, and not valkey
cloned in the lacus
git clone https://github.com/valkey-io/valkey.git
Compile valkey:
cd valkey
git checkout 8.0
# Optionally, you can run the tests:
make test
cd ..
Clone this repository if you haven't done it already:
git clone https://github.com/ail-project/lacus.git
The directory tree must look like that:
├── valkey => cloned valkey
└── lacus => cloned lacus
From the lacus
directory, run:
poetry install
Install the system dependencies required by playwright (will call sudo):
poetry run playwright install-deps
# for pydub:
sudo apt install ffmpeg libavcodec-extra
Initialize the .env
echo LACUS_HOME="`pwd`" >> .env
Initialize the config and install playwright browsers:
poetry run update --init
It will launch the instance if you answer yes to the "restart" question.
Edit the config file config/generic.json
, and configure it accordingly to your needs.
Start the tool (as usual, from the directory):
poetry run start
You can stop it with
poetry run stop
With the default configuration, you can access the web interface on
where you will find the API and can start playing with it.
If you have recurring messages like the ones below you can remove the uuid from the queue as follows. Note that it is probabli simply due to an unclean stop of lacus and they will be removed automatically after a while
2023-11-17 08:00:59,936 LacusCore WARNING:[ef7f653d-4cfd-4e7b-9b91-58c9c2658868] Attempted to clear capture that is still being processed.
2023-11-17 08:01:00,939 LacusCore WARNING:[ef7f653d-4cfd-4e7b-9b91-58c9c2658868] Attempted to clear capture that is still being processed.
2023-11-17 08:01:01,941 LacusCore WARNING:[ef7f653d-4cfd-4e7b-9b91-58c9c2658868] Attempted to clear capture that is still being processed.
2023-11-17 08:01:02,944 LacusCore WARNING:[ef7f653d-4cfd-4e7b-9b91-58c9c2658868] Attempted to clear capture that is still being processed.
2023-11-17 08:01:03,947 LacusCore WARNING:[ef7f653d-4cfd-4e7b-9b91-58c9c2658868] Attempted to clear capture that is still being processed.
While valkey is running connect to it via its socket and zrem then entry.
ail@ail-tokyo:~$ cd lacus/
ail@ail-tokyo:~/lacus$ ../valkey/src/valkey-cli -s cache/cache.sock
valkey cache/cache.sock> zrem lacus:ongoing ef7f653d-4cfd-4e7b-9b91-58c9c2658868
(integer) 1
valkey cache/cache.sock>
On an initial install, we tell you to run playwright install-deps
. After updating an existing lacus instance, you may have to do that again if new ones are required by playwright.
It that's the case, run the following command from the lacus directory:
poetry run playwright install-deps
There are env varibles you can pass to help making better captures, or avoir captures to fail when they shouldn't:
avoids captures to get stuck on screenshot when the fonts don't load (microsoft/playwright#28995)PLAYWRIGHT_CHROMIUM_USE_HEADLESS_NEW
improves stealth for chromium by using the new headless mode (a little bit slower): Lookyloo/PlaywrightCapture#55
To use them, you can run the capture manager this way: