A dockerized Thug https://github.com/buffer/thug . Thug version 0.6.7
Get it from the Honeynet Project's Docker repository https://hub.docker.com/r/honeynet/thug/
This automated build is kindly maintained by Ali Ikinci https://github.com/aikinci/thug
Thug is installed at /opt/thug . To run run it execute python /opt/thug/src/thug.py
Example usage:
Download latest container
docker pull honeynet/thug
This will mount your hosts ~/logs dir and enable to keep the logs on the host
docker run -it -v ~/logs:/logs honeynet/thug
inside the container run this to analyze 20 random samples from thug
for item in $(find /opt/thug/samples/ -type f |xargs shuf -e |tail -n 20); do python /opt/thug/src/thug.py -l $item; done