-- import "github.com/calmh/ipfix"
Package ipfix implements an IPFIX (RFC 5101) parser and interpreter.
An input stream in the form of an io.Reader is read and chunked into messages. Template management and the standard IPFIX types are implemented so a fully parsed data set can be produced. Vendor fields can be added at runtime.
To read an IPFIX stream, create a Session around a Reader, then call ReadMessage repeatedly.
s := ipfix.NewSession(os.Stdin)
i := ipfix.NewInterpreter(s)
for {
// ReadMessage will block until a full message is available.
msg, err := s.ReadMessage()
if err != nil {
for _, record := range msg.DataRecords {
// record contains raw enterpriseId, fieldId => []byte information
fieldsMap := i.Interpret(&record)
// fieldsMap is a map[string]interface{}, with types
// resolved to their natural equivalents and field
// names resolved for standard fields.
To add a vendor field to the dictionary so that it will be resolved by Interpret, create a DictionaryEntry and call AddDictionaryEntry.
e := ipfix.DictionaryEntry{Name: "someVendorField", FieldId: 42, EnterpriseId: 123456, Type: ipfix.Int32}
The MIT license.
var ErrRead = errors.New("short read - malformed packet?")
var ErrVersion = errors.New("incorrect version field in message header - out of sync?")
The version field in IPFIX messages should always have the value 10. If it does not, you get this error. It's probably a sign of a bug in the parser or the exporter and that we have lost synchronization with the data stream. Reestablishing the session is the only way forward at this point.
type DataRecord struct {
TemplateId uint16
Fields [][]byte
The DataRecord represents a single exported flow. The Fields each describe different aspects of the flow (source and destination address, counters, service, etc.).
type DictionaryEntry struct {
Name string
FieldId uint16
EnterpriseId uint32
Type FieldType
DictionaryEntry provied a mapping between an (Enterprise, Field) pair and a Name and Type.
type FieldType string
IPFIX type of an Information Element ("Field").
const (
Uint8 FieldType = "unsigned8"
Uint16 FieldType = "unsigned16"
Uint32 FieldType = "unsigned32"
Uint64 FieldType = "unsigned64"
Int8 FieldType = "signed8"
Int16 FieldType = "signed16"
Int32 FieldType = "signed32"
Int64 FieldType = "signed64"
Float32 FieldType = "float32"
Float64 FieldType = "float64"
Boolean FieldType = "boolean"
MacAddress FieldType = "macAddress"
OctetArray FieldType = "octetArray"
String FieldType = "string"
DateTimeSeconds FieldType = "dateTimeSeconds"
DateTimeMilliseconds FieldType = "dateTimeMilliseconds"
DateTimeMicroseconds FieldType = "dateTimeMicroseconds"
DateTimeNanoseconds FieldType = "dateTimeNanoseconds"
Ipv4Address FieldType = "ipv4Address"
Ipv6Address FieldType = "ipv6Address"
The available field types as defined by RFC 5102.
type InterpretedField struct {
Name string
EnterpriseId uint32
FieldId uint16
Value interface{}
RawValue []byte
An InterpretedField is a field with the field name filled in and the value converted to the appropriate type. If this is not possible (because the name and type of the field is unknown at the time of interpretation), Name will be the empty string, Value will be a nil interface and RawValue will contain the original bytes.
type Interpreter struct {
Interpreter provides translation between the raw bytes of a DataRecord and the actual values as specified by the corresponding template.
func NewInterpreter(s *Session) *Interpreter
NewInterpreter craets a new Interpreter based on the specified Session.
func (i *Interpreter) AddDictionaryEntry(e DictionaryEntry)
Add a DictionaryEntry (containing a vendor field) to the dictionary used by Interpret.
func (i *Interpreter) Interpret(ds *DataRecord) []InterpretedField
Interpret a raw DataRecord into a list of InterpretedFields.
type Message struct {
Header MessageHeader
DataRecords []DataRecord
TemplateRecords []TemplateRecord
A Message is the top level construct representing an IPFIX message. A well formed message contains one or more sets of data or template information.
type MessageHeader struct {
Version uint16 // Always 0x0a
Length uint16
ExportTime uint32 // Epoch seconds
SequenceNumber uint32
DomainId uint32
The MessageHeader provides metadata for the entire Message. The sequence number and domain ID can be used to gain knowledge of messages lost on an unreliable transport such as UDP.
type Session struct {
The Session is the context for IPFIX messages.
func NewSession(reader io.Reader) *Session
NewSession initializes a new Session based on the provided io.Reader.
func (s *Session) ReadMessage() (msg *Message, err error)
ReadMessage extracts and returns one message from the IPFIX stream. As long as err is nil, further messages can be read from the stream. Errors are not recoverable -- once an error has been returned, ReadMessage should not be called again on the same session.
type TemplateFieldSpecifier struct {
EnterpriseId uint32
FieldId uint16
Length uint16
The TemplateFieldSpecifier describes the ID and size of the corresponding Fields in a DataRecord.
type TemplateRecord struct {
TemplateId uint16
FieldSpecifiers []TemplateFieldSpecifier
The TemplateRecord describes a data template, as used by DataRecords.