This project started as OS-IPA, but it sounded too much like Ossipee_ ; One of the twelve Algonquian tribes, and a Lake and Town in New Hampshire named for them.
.. _Ossipee:,_New_Hampshire
Ossipee is now a system for building a small cluster in an OpenStack deployment. It also serves to tear down and clean up the resources.
To get startes, source a V3 Keystone Resource file based on this template:
export OS_AUTH_URL=http://{{ keystone_hostname }}:5000/v3 export OS_USERNAME={{ username }} export OS_PASSWORD={{ password }} export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME={{ user_domain }} export OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME={{ project_domain }} export OS_PROJECT_NAME={{ project_name }} export OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION=3
Ossipee stores reads and stores local information in the directory
To get started, run
This will generate a blank config file in
A sample config file will look like this:
[scope] profile = rhel7 name = yourname pubkey = yourname-pubkey forwarder =
The $USER value will be used as the name
which is used to link the
To do a complete run,
This will use the OpenStack APIs to create the following resources:
two networks, named
yourname-public-net yourname-private-net
two subnets named yourname-public-subnet yourname-private-subnet
The necessary router and interfaces to connect the yourname-public-net
the external network.
two hosts named
ipa.yourname.test openstack.yourname.test
An Ansible inventory file in ~/.ossipee/inventory/yourname.ini
This last is expected to be consumed by Rippowam_.
.. _Rippowam:
To tear down the install:
There are several targets. To see them, run
For instance, to reset just the ipa server, you can run
ossipee-redo ipa
A profile is the combination of computer Flavor and image that will be used when creating the virtual machine. There are several profiles suported:
- 'centos7': - 'cloud_user': 'centos', - 'image': 'centos-7-cloud', - 'flavor': 'm1.medium',
- 'rhel7': - 'cloud_user': 'cloud-user', - 'image': 'rhel-guest-image-7.1-20150224.0', - 'flavor': 'm1.medium',
- 'f22': - 'cloud_user': 'fedora', - 'image': 'Fedora 22 Cloud Image', - 'flavor': 'm1.medium',
The image and flavor names must match.
Ossipee uses the AUTH_URL to determine the cloud name. For now, this list of known AUHT_URLS are hard coded to produce one of the follwing:
- oslab
- os1
- dreamcompute
This value plus the name
value will be combined to create the output
directory. For example, if name = ayoung
and the cloud resolves to
then the output directory is
. INside this directory is
- inventory.ini
When paired with rippowam, this directoruy becomes the local store for the following files:
- adminrc: admin keystone config with userid and password
- demorc: demo keystone config with userid and password
- fed-accrc: keystone config for use with SAML federation
- inventory.ini: ansible inventory file
- kerb-accrc: keystone config for use with Kerberos and SSSD federation
- krb5.conf: Kerberso config file used with the KRB5_CONFIG environment variable
ossipy accepts a --section
paramter To better organize the .config
file. This referest to a subsection of the configuration file that
overrides the deployment specirfic variables. In the sample config file:
[oslab] name = ayoung profile = rhel7 private_network = false public_network = true forwarder =
[os1] name = ayoung forwarder = private_network = false public_network = false profile = os1rhel7
With the command ~/devel/ossipee/ossipee-create --section os1
network creation section would be skipped, the deployment name would
be ayoung, creating a fqdn for the ipa server: ipa.ayoung.os1.test and
storing the file in /.ossipee/deployements/.ayoung.os1
Ossipee creates entires in the systems /etc/hosts file, using sudo. These amp to the public IP addresses for the hosts created. The fqdn values are now useing in the asnible uinventory files in place of the IP addresses.