Although this specific project has been abandoned, I am busy cannibalizing the remains, for several other purposes; and the original purpose, while currently not a priority, does retain significant interest for others; thus, if you need this repository to remain unchanged, please notify me in some way within a few years, before I remove it from the GitHub archive.
Tool for (crudely) tracking and (eventually) analyzing joinmarket activity.
You'll need a Common Lisp compiler, such as Steel Bank or Clozure (please let me know if others work for you).
The easiest way to pull in the dependencies is via
Quicklisp. Once you've installed it, clone
this repository under the quicklisp/local-projects/
directory, then run
(ql:quickload "cjhunt")
. Please avoid doing that only because it was the
easiest way; for example, consider doing it to appease a number both low and
finite of angry managers; better yet, just don't; best: READ THE INFLATED CRAP
You'll also need Bitcoin with the
transaction index enabled. You
should also blocknotify=curl -s http://localhost:5000/blockjoins?id=%s
which will scan each new block automagically once you (cjhunt:start)
If your bitcoin.conf
is in a funny place, you may need to fiddle with
. If your node is on another machine, you'll need to dirty
your hands in src/bitcoin/rpc-client.lisp
... at which point you'll likely want to either setup SLIME and get hacking, or incentivize others to continue the project on your behalf. Preferably via JoinMarket itself.