Hello competitor. This is the official source code for the bits competition 2022. You can contribute to this code by giving us Bugs, Improvements etc. This repository is also participating in Hacktoberfest, so if you're also doing Hacktoberfest this is a great chance. Please refer below for more details.
- NodeJS
- mongoose
- connect-mongo
- dotenv
- ejs
- express
- express-session
- google-auth-library
- google-apis
- jsonwebtoken
- nodemailer
- nodemon
- request
- sweetalert2
- sass
We also used some internal technologies in this code that are not shown in this list.
This code is mainly made using express. Please refer below to how to run this code correctly.
- First download
from here:https://git-scm.com/downloads
. If you already installed it, skip this step. - Clone this repository by running the below command or downloading the zip file for the code.
git clone https://github.com/acicts/BITS22
- Change the directory to the project folder
cd BITS22
- Install the necessary dependencies.
npm install --save
- Go to the
file and then follow the instructions below to fill the env file properly.
is a random string that is used to identify admin users when logging in to the webpage. This token is added to the admin session when logged in. You can generate a random hash or input one you like. -
fields follows the same pattern and this is the trickiest to fill. First of all go to Google Sheets and sign up. After that follow the below steps.Click on Blank.
Add the Spreadsheet name as "Coding Tasks" and then copy the ID of the sheet. Do this process for the other 2 sheets too. Which are Design Tasks & Explore Tasks. After copying all 3 IDs go to
file and then fill theCODING_ID
. After this go to the spreadsheets again and then open the Coding Tasks sheet first.Click on the + button at the bottom of the page and then create Sub-Sheets in the order as specified below. (This process goes to the other 2 sheets too)
Create Sub-Sheets in All 3 Sheets as specified below. (Please use these exact number when creating Sub-Sheets)
Coding Tasks Sheet -> 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 2500, 2600, 2700, 2800, 2900, 3000, 3100, 3200, 3300, 5000, 5100, 5200, 5300, 5400, 5500, 5600, 5700, 5800, 5900, 6000, 6100, 6200, 8900, 9100, 9200, 9300
Design Tasks Sheet -> 900, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600, 3400, 3500, 3600, 3700, 3800, 3900, 4000, 4100, 4200, 6300, 6400, 6500, 6600, 6700, 6800, 6900, 7000, 7100, 7200, 7300, 7400, 7500, 9400, 9500, 9600
Explore Tasks Sheet -> 1700, 1800, 1900, 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300, 2400, 4300, 4400, 4500, 4600, 4700, 4800, 4900, 7600, 7700, 7800, 7900, 8000, 8100, 8200, 8300, 8400, 8500, 8600, 8700, 8800, 8900, 9000, 9700, 9800, 9900
You need a
Google Service Account
to get access to the spreadsheets API. We have to enable Google Sheets API in our project on Google developers console.
Go to the Google developer console and then create a new project with any name you want. Please refer below if you don't know how to create a Google Project.
After creating the project go to the project dashboard and then click on Enable APIs and Services button. Search for Google Sheets API in the search bar and then once you see the result click on it and then click on Enable.
Once you enable Google Sheets API in your project, you will see the page where you can configure the settings for this API. Click on the Credentials tab on the left sidebar. Here you will see a list of OAuth client IDs and service accounts. By default, there should be none.
Click on Create Credentials button at the top and select the Service Account option.
Enter the name and description of the service account and click Create button.
Click Continue on the next dialog
On the next dialog, you get an option to create a key. This is an important step. Click on the Create Key button and choose JSON as the format. This will ask you to download the JSON file to your local machine.
For this tutorial, I have renamed the file and saved it as credentials.json on my local machine.
Keep it somewhere safe. This key file contains the credentials of the service account that we need in our Node.js script to access our spreadsheet from Google Sheets.
Once you've followed all of these steps, you should see the newly created service account on the credentials page.
Take a note of the email address of the service account. We will need to share our spreadsheet with this account. Now copy the credentials.json
file you renamed and then paste that file in the root of the project. (Root is the directory you see first in the project where contain files and folder.)
Most IMPORTANT Part: Sharing the Spreadsheets with the Google Service Account
Now that we have a service account, we need to share our spreadsheet with it. It's just like sharing a spreadsheet with any normal user account. Open all 3 spreadsheets in your browser and click on the Share button on top right corner. That will open a modal where you need to enter the email address of the service account. Uncheck the checkbox for Notify people since this will send an email and since service account does not have any mailbox, it will give you a mail delivery failure notification.
This process must be done to all other 2 sheets also. Click Share. And all the configurations are done. Now find the credentials.json file you renamed recently and put that file in the project folder. (Put in root directory).
Now create another spreadsheet called Bits Registrations
and then copy the ID of that spreadsheet also. Fill that ID in the REGISTER_ID
field in .env
Now we have to name some fields in the spreadsheets. Open Coding Tasks, Design Tasks & Explore Tasks spreadsheets and then fill the spreadsheets as below. (Repeat the same for other 2 sheets).
Now go to the Bits Registration spreadsheet and also fill it as below.
Share the Google Service Account Email with this spreadsheet too.
fields are used to send emails in the source code. You can use your existing SMTP credentials or create your own by referring below steps. (Please note that Google Gmail stopped providing access to less secure apps recently.). We are going to use Sendinblue as our email provider.
First go to Sendinblue and then Register for a new account. After registering go to the dashboard and then click on the Profile -> SMTP & API -> SMTP. Please refer below if you cannot understand.
In the SMTP dashboard copy the values of SMTP Server, Port, Login and the Master Password under Your SMTP keys section. The values in the SMTP dashboard goes to the fields specified below.
.env file values | Sendinblue values |
SMTP Server |
Port |
Login |
Master Password |
is used to specify the mongodb database URI that we'll using to store data. In order to fill this you first have to create an account in mongodb.
Create an account in MongoDB. Complete the About Me survey mongodb give. After that create a FREE Database in mongodb. Refer below image for more details.
After that click Create Cluster and you'll have a MongoDB instance running. In the dashboard click on Database Access and then click on Add new Database User. Type a username and any password you want. (Generating a password from mongodb is recommended.) Please refer below image for more details.
and then don't forgot to adda built in role like below pictures. Built-in-Role -> Select Role -> Atlas Admin like this u can do it!
Save that Password somewhere else because you need it in the future steps. After that scroll down and then click on Create User. The user details you just created is used to access our mongodb database. After that go to Network Access below the Database Access. In the Network Access click on Add IP Address and then click Allow Access From Anywhere. Click on Confirm after that. Please refer below image for more details if you cannot understand.
We added Allow Access from anywhere because you must be able to access your database from anywhere in the world. Every computer has it's own IP Address. So if you want your program to access the database only from your machine you can select Add Current IP Address instead. (This step is only for advanced users only). But for now we added it as Allow From Anywhere because most hosting providers change their IP addresses often.
After that go to Database in the above and then click on Connect. And then click Connect Your Application. You'll be provided with a URI that you can copy. Please refer below if you cannot understand.
After you copy the URI paste it somewhere you like and then replace the with the password you copied earlier. So your final URI should look something like this.
mongodb+srv://someonecool:[email protected]/?retryWrites=true&w=majority
After that go ahead and paste this URI in the MONGO_URI
field in .env
is the URL of the code instance you're running. So if you're running in localhost the URL would behttp://localhost:3000
. If you're running using a hosting provider you may use the URL the provider give. Put the url in the SITE_URL field.
Now the .env
file is completed. If you have made it this far, nice work!
Enabling the Competition(Acesss To Parts Of The Webapp) Run The Commands Given Below
npm run build
npm start
Then Go To The Website And Register An Account And Login To It, Once You Login The Competition Will Automaticly Get Enabled
Getting Admin Access
Download And Login To Your Mongodb Database in MongoDB Compass Or Using The MongoDB Extention For VS Code(here). You can use MongoDB Web if you wish.
After You Logged To Your Database, Go To The Folder Under The "Local" Folder
Go To The Users Tab
When You Go To The Users Tab You Will See Your User Data It Should Look Like This:
When You Hover Over The User Data Some Buttons Will Pop-Up As Seen On The Image Above. Click The Button That Has The Pencil Icon And Click On The Text False
That Is Infront Of The Text adminUser
Replace false
with true
And Click The Update Button As Seen Below
Now The Your Account Has Admin Power, Now You Can Access /admin
Page and admin/power
If the code is running without an error, Congrats 🥳🥳. Everything is working as expected. You should celebrate a bit. Now find bugs, improvements and make this code awesome.
Contributing Guidelines What kind of pull requests are we looking?
- Code Improvements
- Quality Improvements
- Code Bugs
- New Concepts
- Documentation Error Updates
Lead Developers who made all of this possible.
Cool Contributors.
We will put your name in the contributor side in the website and also in this repository readme. If you have any questions regarding the source code please call or send a WhatsApp message to the desired contact.
- Pasindu Ranasinghe - 077 697 6673 (Question Regarding Backend Side and .env File)
- Minuka Gunawansa - 077 707 5625 (Questions Regarding Frontend Side)