Tool | Usage |
Karabiner | Better keyboard |
iterm2 | Terminal emulator |
neovim | Text editor |
tig | Git pager |
k9s | Kubernetes control |
k6 | Load testing |
Command | Action |
Cmd-1 | Switch to Safari |
Cmd-2 | Switch to iterm2 |
Cmd-3 | Switch to Slack |
Cmd-7 | Switch to IntelliJ |
Cmd-8 | Switch to NoSQLBooster |
Cmd-9 | Switch to VS Code |
Cmd-0 | Switch to LogSeq |
Cmd-Spc | Switch language |
Ctrl-Spc | Open Spotlight |
I'm a touch-typist and I don't like the standard MacOS key repeat rate.
script will increase the keyboard repeat rate.
It's easier to press CapsLock than Control.
MacOS uses an animation when switches between full-screen windows. These animations are distracting me and that's why I don't open a window in a full-screen mode.
Command | Action |
g | git log with tig |
glol | git log |
gst | git status |
gd | git diff |
gsps | git show recent commit |
gl | git pull |
gp | git push origin HEAD |
gm | git merge |
gca | git commit -v -a |
gca1 | git commit -v -a --amend |
Don't forget to run:
git config --global "your-name"
git config --global "your-email"
Command | Action |
SPC SPC | Choose a file |
SPC s | Save current buffer |
SPC q | Quit Vim |
SPC d | Delete current buffer |
SPC w s | Split current buffer horizontally |
SPC w v | Split current buffer vertically |
SPC w m | Maximize current window |
SPC w w | Go to the next window |
SPC z | Send Vim to background |
Ctrl-l | Toggle line numbers |
Ctrl-h | No highlight |
zc | Fold section |
zo | Open section |