... A work in progress.
- Main branch builds and runs using Go and Buf; No Bazel.
- buf generate proto
- go build ./...
- Bazel branch generates the protobuf proto library but not the connectrpc-go proto library. It is a work in progress...
- bazel build //proto/abitofhelp/helloworld/v1:abitofhelp_helloworld_v1_go_proto
- make buf_generate
You will need to comment/uncomment the imports of these files in cmd/client and cmd/server.
- bazel build //proto/abitofhelp/helloworld/v1:abitofhelp_helloworld_v1_go_proto
FIXME: At this time, the following command only generate the protobuf file, not the connect one.
Here are two ways to generate/regenerate BUILD.bazel files.
Using Go/Gazelle's CLI
I have found using Gazelle's CLI will generate BUILD.bazel files when the Bazel command doesn't do it.- go install github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/cmd/gazelle@latest
- gazelle -go_prefix github.com/abitofhelp/bzlmod
Using Bazel
- bazel run //:gazelle