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Code Quality - The Practices and the Tools

  • This is a repo with notes for my talk at the Bangpypers meetup on 18-07-2020. (And notes from lessons learnt later re: Code Quality)

Code quality - What is it?

  • It can mean different things to different people.
  • To a data scientist, quality of code = quality of models deployed.
  • To a developer, it's
    • modularity (manual)
    • correctness (tests)
    • performance (profiling)
    • readability (stylizing/documentation)


  • In a bid to reduce complexity and to avoid ambiguity, each function must do only one task.
  • Separate functionalities as much as possible.

Question of debate - 1 or many?

  • There is really no 1 tool to rule them all.
  • Or is there? ;)


What is McCabe complexity?

Also known as cyclomatic complexity, it is the number of paths the code can take. The number goes higher than 1 if the number of control flow statements are higher than 0.

To see what this number is ->

  • pip install mccabe
  • python -m mccabe --min 1

Radon is another tool to assess McCabe Complexity.

How to test?

There are different ways of testing - unit, integration etc.

  • The most popular tool is pytest.
  • Coverage needs to be ensured.


Why profile?

Not all operations are equally expensive. In long running scripts that are not very easily discernable with the eye, it is useful to use a line profiler to tell you which operation is the costliest in terms of time so you can try to optimize it better.

What about memory usage?

  • That is important is some sectors and can be considered a measure of quality.
  • How do you handle different data types?
  • It can be measured using a simple decorator as well. Illustrated in

What can you use to profile time?

  • pip install line-profiler
  • kernprof -l
  • python -m line_profiler


What can you do for readibility?

  • While everyone's tolerance and abilities differ, it's good to have a standard set of practices.
  • In the absence of such a standard on a company-wide level, PEP-8 serves as a good reference.
  • There are companies that have their own style guides - Google for e.g.
  • To facilitate this, we have pylint, black

For Django Projects

  • Creating a copy of django_sample_project to illustrate what the problem was and what can be after linting.

Installation and usage

  • pip install pylint-django
  • pylint --load-plugins pylint_django .

Expected output -

Your code has been rated at 10.00/10

Installation and usage

  • This is a git-hook. It means, you use it within a git repository and "hook" into git's config folders.
  • pip install pre-commit
  • pre-commit install
  • Set up a .pre-commit-config.yaml file with a config perhaps like -
-   repo:
    rev: v2.3.0
    -   id: check-yaml
    -   id: end-of-file-fixer
    -   id: trailing-whitespace
-   repo:
    rev: 19.3b0
    -   id: black
  • pre-commit run --all-files

  • This performs all the operations in the Config file for you.

  • What else can you do with it?

Coming back to our question of debate - 1 or many?

  • Is there really 1 tool to rule them all?
  • Prospector comes close.
  • But you will have to run pytest and coverage anyway.


  • Interrogate is used to check the coverage of docstrings is complete (or not).



Repo for Bangpypers 18-07-2020






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