- This is a repo with notes for my talk at the Bangpypers meetup on 18-07-2020. (And notes from lessons learnt later re: Code Quality)
- It can mean different things to different people.
- To a data scientist, quality of code = quality of models deployed.
- To a developer, it's
- modularity (manual)
- correctness (tests)
- performance (profiling)
- readability (stylizing/documentation)
- In a bid to reduce complexity and to avoid ambiguity, each function must do only one task.
- Separate functionalities as much as possible.
- There is really no 1 tool to rule them all.
- Or is there? ;)
Also known as cyclomatic complexity, it is the number of paths the code can take. The number goes higher than 1 if the number of control flow statements are higher than 0.
To see what this number is ->
pip install mccabe
python -m mccabe --min 1 pyq_mccabe.py
Radon is another tool to assess McCabe Complexity.
There are different ways of testing - unit, integration etc.
- The most popular tool is pytest.
- Coverage needs to be ensured.
Not all operations are equally expensive. In long running scripts that are not very easily discernable with the eye, it is useful to use a line profiler to tell you which operation is the costliest in terms of time so you can try to optimize it better.
- That is important is some sectors and can be considered a measure of quality.
- How do you handle different data types?
- It can be measured using a simple decorator as well. Illustrated in pyq_mem_profile.py
pip install line-profiler
kernprof -l pyq1.py
python -m line_profiler pyq1.py.lprof
- While everyone's tolerance and abilities differ, it's good to have a standard set of practices.
- In the absence of such a standard on a company-wide level, PEP-8 serves as a good reference.
- There are companies that have their own style guides - Google for e.g.
- To facilitate this, we have pylint, black
- Creating a copy of django_sample_project to illustrate what the problem was and what can be after linting.
Installation and usage
pip install pylint-django
pylint --load-plugins pylint_django .
Expected output -
Your code has been rated at 10.00/10
Installation and usage
- This is a git-hook. It means, you use it within a git repository and "hook" into git's config folders.
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
- Set up a .pre-commit-config.yaml file with a config perhaps like -
- repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks
rev: v2.3.0
- id: check-yaml
- id: end-of-file-fixer
- id: trailing-whitespace
- repo: https://github.com/psf/black
rev: 19.3b0
- id: black
pre-commit run --all-files
This performs all the operations in the Config file for you.
What else can you do with it?
- Is there really 1 tool to rule them all?
- Prospector comes close.
- But you will have to run pytest and coverage anyway.
- Interrogate is used to check the coverage of docstrings is complete (or not).