Hi! I'm an avid Open Source software developer and co-founder of the Hackergarten initiative. I love building software that can help solve problems around the world. I've been actively involved with Open Source since my first contribution to Apache Commons-Lang back in 2006. Next, I created my first pair of Open Source projects (Json-lib & EZMorph), followed by joining the Groovy (nowadays Apache Groovy) development team a year later. I'm quite proficient writing Java code, Gradle and Maven plugins, as well as JavaFX libraries. Golang is great as well!
Organizations I contribute to include:
- github.com/jreleaser
- github.com/kordamp
- github.com/griffon
- github.com/asciidoctor
- github.com/hackergarten
- github.com/moditect
My goal is to keep contributing to Open Source and help others do the same. With your help I'll be able to continue promoting Open Source and make the world a better place, one commit at a time. Contact me on Twitter, Mastodon