This is a package for communication between software components. It makes sending, publishing and receiving messages super easy!
Using RabbitMQ as transport for messages. More transports can and will (hopefully) be added
go get
Ezbus is great to use when working in a distrubuted system. Publish events when a software executes a command and let rest of the system know.
Plugin new software components in your architecture without touching the existing ones.
Ezbus is super easy to use and will get you started in no time.
//PlaceOrder command
type PlaceOrder struct {
ID string
//OrderPlaced event
type OrderPlaced struct {
ID string
//create message router
r := ezbus.NewRouter()
//register handler for message PlaceOrder
r.Handle("PlaceOrder", func(message ezbus.Message) {
var po PlaceOrder
json.Unmarshal(m.Body, &po)
bus.Publish(OrderPlaced {po.ID})
//create a rabbitmq broker
b := rabbitmq.NewBroker("my-queue");
//create the bus with router and broker
bus := ezbus.NewBus(b, r)