is a collection of Go packages that make the life of a Go developers at ZEISS easier.
go get
Go has a pretty good standard library, but there are some things that are missing. This collection of small packages is meant to fill those gaps.
There is the typical case of pointers you need to deference. For example in the strict interfaces generated by oapi-codegen.
Somestruct {
Field: cast.Ptr(req.Field),
Or the other way around, you have a pointer and you want to get the value or a default value.
SomeStruct {
Field: cast.Value(req.Field),
Return a default value of a nil
type Foo struct {}
cast.Zero(Foo) // &Foo{}
There is also always the case to covert a value to a specific other value.
// String converts a value to a string.
b := true
s := cast.String(b)
fmt.Println(s) // "true"
There are functions to convert int
, string
and bool
There is the implementation of various operators.
// Is the ternary operator.
utilx.IfElse(cond, 100, 0)
There are also more complex tools like the Database
interface which enables to easliy implement database wrappers.
// Database provides methods for transactional operations.
type Database[R, W any] interface {
// ReadTx starts a read only transaction.
ReadTx(context.Context, func(context.Context, R) error) error
// ReadWriteTx starts a read write transaction.
ReadWriteTx(context.Context, func(context.Context, W) error) error
Or a simple interface to implement servers. This takes for all signal
and context
s, _ := server.WithContext(ctx)
s.Listen(&srv{}, true)
serverErr := &server.ServerError{}
if err := s.Wait(); errors.As(err, &serverErr) {
There is also a package to work with the OpenFGA API.
// Store is an interface that provides methods for transactional operations on the authz database.
type Store[Tx any] interface {
// Allowed checks if the user is allowed to perform the operation on the object.
Allowed(context.Context, User, Object, Relation) (bool, error)
// WriteTx starts a read write transaction.
WriteTx(context.Context, func(context.Context, Tx) error) error
// StoreTx is an interface that provides methods for transactional operations on the authz database.
type StoreTx interface {
// WriteTuple writes a tuple to the authz database.
WriteTuple(context.Context, User, Object, Relation) error
// DeleteTuple deletes a tuple from the authz database.
DeleteTuple(context.Context, User, Object, Relation) error
This can be used with the package.
authzStore, err := authx.NewStore(fgaClient, authz.NewWriteTx())
if err != nil {
return err