- BigFloat Plugin for Unity,
,Unity Package
- UnityFixedPointMath Forked from FixedMath.Net,
,Unity Package
- 두 사람의 하루, Programmer.
- Lost Campus TPS multiplayer survive game, Technical Artist, Project manager, Lead Game Designer,
- Factorio, Satisfactory : EN/US > KO/KR Translation at crowdin
- KC3Kai/KC3Kai Backup feature, EN>KR Translation (2016~2017)
- GimoXagros/XMKTP, Refactorio/RedMew EN/US > KO/KR Translation at translation platform (crowdin)
- C#
- LINQ ❤️
- Optimization 💕
- Unity
- General Scripting
- Git (Duh)
- Merge Conflicts, LFS, etc. You name it.
Github (Duh)
- Flow, page
- Multicore Processing 🌸
- Tried with C# and C++, python
- LaTex
- Deep Learning
- Torch
- Linux and Generic server, networks
- Svelte + NPM
- Sunrin Internet HS 2013.3 ~ 2016.3
- ChungAng Univ. 2016.3 ~ 2021.8
- ChungAng Univ. Grad. 2021.8~ 2023.8 (Master's program)
- CIEN@CAU 2016.4 ~ 2022
- woong712@BAEKJOON, Code golfing in
- @ResearchGate