Fully functional discussion forum backed with Spring MVC, Spring Security and Hibernate.
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/YogenRaii/pdf.git
Import project into any of IDE and deploy in any container (Tomcat would be the easiest) and test endpoint:
You need to have Docker installed to run the latest master
Build artifact with Maven as:
mvn clean install
Now, create Docker image, and hence container with Docker Compose as:
docker-compose up --build
This creates container for app and mysql, network bridge to connect these to container!
Need to switch to branch spring-boot-embedded-container for this feature!
Go to $PROJECT_DIR/pdf-app
directory and run:
mvn clean spring-boot:run
With this, Spring Boot starts embedded container at port 8081. So, service can be reached at:
Need to switch to branch spring-5-hibernate-5 for this feature!
Go to $PROJECT_DIR/vagrant
directory and install the plugins as defined in Vagrantfile
Once vagrant plugins are ready, run script to create artifacts:
Once, artifact is ready, bring up vagrant box with:
vagrant up pdf
Once vagrant box comes up, you should be able to access the service at:
User can search the questions and go into the details even without login.
Once registered user logs in, s/he can ask the question and answer the question.
Application supports internationalization with Nepalese and Chinese language.
As Admin User
username : ironman
password : ironman
As General User,
username : rabi
password : rabi