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Guide to editing words.json

Before committing changes to the JSON please

  • ensure nothing is empty (regex-search [^\\]""|\[\])
  • press shift option/alt f (autoformat)
  • run cargo run --release - this will update words.js to reflect your changes & fetch any necessary fonts (should take ~20 seconds). Or equivalently you can run the jsify Github Action after committing/pushing.

Properties that exist:

  • word.
  • def: The short definition, corresponding to the "concept" spreadsheet column for roots, "meaning" for compounds/freewords, and "function" for particles.
  • etymology: Either an object or a list of them, each with at most these properties:
    • lang: Source language.
    • word.
    • translit: A transliteration if needed.
    • urlform: For e.g. Klingon, where the URL of the word qa' is; or Arabic, where URLs should lack vowels.
    • link: Set to false to not link the word anywhere, or a URL to force the link to go there.
  • notes.


  • alignment: The place structure.
  • type: One of the new ones that start with a capital letter.
  • semantics: The semantic space.
  • derivs: Object with any of the keys xo/ko/ga/ge/qu/po/sa/se/si, representing the new def this word has when any are attached to it.

The "pat." column is unnecessary here as it can be found via /[^aeiou]$/.test(word) ? "a" : "b".

Compound-specific: gloss.

Particle-specific: type.