See issues to find out how to help us! You can also create a new issue if you have trouble with xboxpy.
If you don't have it already, install a Python 3 release of your choice. Also ensure you have pip for Python 3 installed.
Simply run:
pip3 install --user -U git+
Now xboxpy should be installed and ready for use!
All code is internally imported by the xboxpy
So all you have to do is: import xboxpy
You can choose the interface you want to use using the 'XBOX_IF' environment variable:
- 'XBDM' (default) - part of the official Xbox Development Kit Debug Kernel by Microsoft.
- 'nxdk-rdt' - nxdk-rdt is an open-source Xbox Remote Dev Tool.
- 'gdb' - can be used to interface with gdb.
- 'none' - does nothing; provided for users which only require xboxpy for logic, but don't need remote access.
Some interfaces will also allow you to specify the target Xbox using the 'XBOX' environment variable ('Host:Port'). Not all interfaces support all functionality at this point.
Clone xboxpy using git and install it from the the local folder in editable mode:
git clone
pip3 install --user -e ./xboxpy
Now you can make changes to the code locally. All projects using xboxpy will automatically use your modified version.
Once you are happy with your changes, you should contribute to the official version of xboxpy!
Fork xboxpy on GitHub and send a Pull Request to us.
(c)2018 XboxDev maintainers
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Contact us for other licensing options.