Copying XENON1T data around
- Free software: ISC license
- Documentation:
This program is a daemonized data-management tool used within the XENON1T collaboration. The idea is that a 'cax' daemon is run at each computing site within the collaboration. Each daemon is responsible for common data management tasks on both raw and processed data, such as:
- Distribution of data (push and pull) via SCP
- Checksumming data
- Processing raw data into processed data
- Reporting information about data to a central MongoDB instance.
The configuration of each site is done via a JSON file called cax.json within this repository cax.json. Each site has it's own section that allows each site to know where it can push or pull data from and also any information about processing.
All information about the data and its copies is stored within MongoDB. This is a central MongoDB that requires authentication. If it is not already setup for you, you have to specify an environmental variable MONGODB_PASSWORD to use cax. If you are a member of XENON1T, you can see what information is known about each run by using the run database website <>.
Changes to this repository are deployed to each site using DeployHQ <>. This service has a web hook for this responsitory that deploys then installs new versions of cax each time the master branch is changed. This copying happens via SCP.
The requirements to run cax at a new site are:
- SSH-key access from the sites listed in cax.json to the new site.
- A directory specified in cax.json where the data is located. This needs to be able to be read, written once, and deleted.
- Ability to run a daemon or process in the background permanently. This is frequently done in a screen session.
Cax is written in Python; we recommend the scientific python distribution Anaconda.
In case your system already has Anaconda installed (with paramiko and pymongo libraries), e.g. analysis facilities or anywhere pax/cax is already running, you can skip to the next section.
To install this in Linux do:
wget # Linux bash # Say 'yes' to appending to .bashrc and specify the installation directory
You can setup the environemnt by doing:
conda create -n cax python=3.4 paramiko pymongo
Add to your path environment the Anaconda bin location, e.g.:
export PATH=~/anaconda3/bin:$PATH # If installed in default location, otherwise replace with the # path you specified above or the path of the central installation
Checkout and install:
git clone source activate <environment_name> # In case paramiko & pymongo are setup in <environment_name>, e.g. pax_head cd cax python install --prefix ${PWD} # For installing your own local copy. For common use within the Anaconda distribution, remove "--prefix"
Note, the last command will complain about the specified prefix path not being included in PYTHONPATH. So add it and try again:
export PYTHONPATH=${PATH_IT_COMPLAINED_ABOUT}:${PYTHONPATH} python install --prefix ${PWD}
First ensure cax/cax.json is the list of sites that you wish to work with.
Then you can run a single instance with:
bin/cax --once # or just 'cax --once' if commonly installed
or continuously running daemon:
bin/cax # or just cax if commonly installed
This will perform the upload and downloads that are specified in cax.json and update the Runs DB accordingly.
For checksumming, cax must be run on the storage server whose IP must be whitelisted by LNGS (contact [email protected] for this).
Processing is currently implemented for only Midway and Stockholm.
ruciax is a rucio integration into cax. It allows to upload raw data sets and processed data to a specified rucio storage endpoint (RSE). The upload from e.g. xe1t-datamanager to NIKHEF_USERDISK is defined as "first upload" in the following text and the according RSE is identified as "entrance RSE". Once the data are uploaded to the entrance RSE the rucio file catalogue (rucio-server) takes over the distribution of the data sets from one RSE (e.g. NIHKEF_USERDISK) to another (e.g. UC_OSG_USERDISK). ruciax runs two configurations: "Uploads" and "Rules". These is controlled by:
- cax_ruciax_xe1tdatamanager_verifyruns.json <-> Rules
- cax_ruciax_xe1tdatamanager.json <-> Uploads
Both are configured with "simple" rules by:
"name": "rucio-catalogue", "hostname": "", "username": "", "method": "rucio", "dir_raw": "/data/xenon/raw", "upload_options": null, "download_options": null, "rucio_upload_rse": "NIKHEF_USERDISK", <<-- Entrance RSE "rucio_account": "production", <<-- Don't change that unless you want to change your rucio upload account. "rucio_transfer": ["UC_OSG_USERDISK"] <<-- RSE's for rucio transfers
Here are some examples:
Run a single upload (e.g. of run XXXX) to the rucio catalogue:
[~] ruciax --once --config cax_ruciax_xe1tdatamanager.json --run XXXX --log-file ruciax_log_file.txt
Run a single rule (e.g. of run XXXX) to verify/update all rucio storage endpoint information in our runDB:
[~] ruciax --once --config cax_ruciax_xe1tdatamanager_verifyruns.json --run XXXX --log-file ruciax_log_file_verify.txt
Run 'massive-ruciax' for upload continuously:
[~] massive-ruciax --config cax_ruciax_xe1tdatamanager.json
Run 'massive-ruciax' for rules continuously:
[~] massive-ruciax --config cax_ruciax_xe1tdatamanager_verifyruns.json
Run 'massive-ruciax' for upload once (similar for rules):
[~] massive-ruciax --once --config cax_ruciax_xe1tdatamanager.json
Run 'massive-ruciax' for upload continuously for a range of tpc runs:
[~] massive-ruciax --config cax_ruciax_xe1tdatamanager_verifyruns.json --from-run 4455 --to-run 4465
Please note: You need both configurations running for upload and proper registration in the runDB. Use screen or tmux!
###Define complex rules A more complex structure for rucio based transfer rules is not yet implemented.
The backup is done by using the Tivoli Storage Management (TSM) system from IBM. It works by running a server at the PDC in Stockholm which is connected to the tape backup. A client is installed at the xe1t-datamanager to transfer the latest data to tape backup constantly and direct. The client software is installed and configured for the user xe1ttransfer. The client software name itself is 'dsmc'.
The tsm modified cax version runs in:
- Single mode (cax)
- Sequence mode (massive-tsm)
To upload a single raw data set (XXXX) at xe1t-datamanager type:
cax --once --config /home/xe1ttransfer/cax_tsm/cax/cax_tsm_upload.json --run XXXX --log-file /home/xe1ttransfer/tsm_log/tsm_log_XXXX_UPLOADDATE_UPLOADTIME.txt
or for muon veto data:
cax --once --config /home/xe1ttransfer/cax_tsm/cax/cax_tsm_upload.json --name DATE_TIME --log-file /home/xe1ttransfer/tsm_log/tsm_log_DATE_TIME_UPLOADDATE_UPLOADTIME.txt
Please use in ANY CASE the --log-file input with the given structure to store the log files:
- XXXX -> Run number or DATE_TIME (e.g. 161111_1434)
- UPLOADDATE: e.g. 161115
- UPLOADTIME: e.g. 161400
The UPLOADTIME must not be so accurate. If it is within 30 minutes it is ok for book keeping.
The usual way of running the tsm-cax is by using massive-tsm. Type:
massive-tsm --config /home/xe1ttransfer/cax_tsm/cax/cax_tsm_upload.json
Possible to add:
- --once to run the sequence only once
- --log-file to store some general information in a specific log file.
The download is done by typing:
cax --once --config /home/xe1ttransfer/cax_tsm/cax/cax_tsm_download.json --name DATE_TIME
cax --once --config /home/xe1ttransfer/cax_tsm/cax/cax_tsm_download.json --run XXXX
The download notifies the tape backup and ask for downloading a raw data set to xe1t-datamanager and registere it there. The raw data set itself can not be deleted from tape storage!
Customizing the behavior of cax is currently done in cax/cax.json, however you should be very careful when modifying this since the head version by default is being used by various sites to handle the XENON1T data flow and processing.
You can feed in a custom cax.json into cax via:
cax --config <path to custom cax.json>
For development and testing, in addition to the options already in cax.json, you may specify subset of tasks you wish to run, e.g.:
"task_list": ["ProcessBatchQueue", "AddChecksum"]
corresponding to the tasks in cax/
You may also specify a subset of datasets to operate on with, e.g.:
"dataset_list": ["160315_1432", "160315_1514"]
Beware that in most tasks are commands that modify the Runs DB live, so for development you should comment out these commands prior to testing. A development flag is currently being developed to make this easier.
Please see the AUTHORS.rst file for information about contributors.
This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.