FreeCodeCampChina博客致力于引进FCC官方博客优秀内容、发掘国内 FCC 学员的原创精彩文章。 FreeCodeCampChina 正在招募翻译志愿者,内容来源自FCC官方博客
issue 内容包括:公司/学校、工作内容/专业、常浏览的国外网站、英语水平、个人博客等。
The Battle for the Net: freeCodeCamp Joins the July 12 Fight for Net Neutrality
We analyzed thousands of coding interviews. Here’s what we learned.
Our large team of engineers use this front end development guide
Mastering Chrome Developer Tools: Next Level Front-End Development Techniques
Google not, learn not: why searching can sometimes be better than knowing
How I transformed from a 30-year-old plumber into a 32-year-old web developer
How I convinced an employer to take a chance on me and pay me to learn to code.
I’m learning to code at 56. Here’s an epic beat-down of my critical inner self.(译者:yeszhangyi)
I finally made sense of front end build tools. You can, too(译者:jieniu)
So Yeah We Tried Slack… and We Deeply Regretted It (译者:dawnwenhui)
Lessons from my first year of live coding on Twitch(译者:winar-jin)
JavaScript Fatigue Fatigue .(译者:cxhy)(校对:?)
With open data, you finally get what you’ve paid for all these years (译者:yeszhangyi)(校对:?)
Things you probably didn’t know you could do with Chrome’s Developer Console(译者:jieniu)(校对:?)
Free Code Camp Christmas Special: Giving the Gift of Open Data (译者:Laily123)(校对:?)
We asked 15,000 people who they are, and how they’re learning to code(校对:?)
My winding road from security guard to back-end developer(译者:miya)
The best podcasts for new coders, and the best tools for listening to them (译者:jhonny-me校对:JackJin@fcc苏州)
One year in the Free Code Camp Data Science Room(译者:dawnwenhui@fcc北京 校对:JackJin@fcc苏州)
My journey to becoming a web developer from scratch without a CS degree, 2 years later (and what I learned from it)(译者:@discountry)
How I built a mailing list signup form right into Medium using Google Forms (译者:jhonny-me)(校对:@huluoyang)
Transparency in Action: Free Code Camp is Now Open Source(译者:soyaine)
相比翻译,我们更欢迎FCC的学员来书写自己的亲身经历,建议使用 MarkDown 格式来写,让更多的小伙伴能从中获得成长。
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