Ruby wrapper for API (
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'checkr'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install checkr
Configure authentication keys
Checkr.configure do |c|
c.api_key = "83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9" #Test token from checkr api document
Create subaccount
subaccount = Checkr::Subaccount.create(:name => 'Checkr', :entity_name => 'My Company', :tax_id => 'XXXXX', :representative_title => 'CEO', :representative_name => 'John Smith', :representative_email => '[email protected]', :phone => '3101111111',
:incorporation_date => '2010-02-02', :incorporation_type => 'llc', :incorporation_state => 'DE', 'address[street]' => '3230 3rd street', 'address[city]' => 'San Francisco',
'address[state]' => 'CA', 'address[zipcode]'=> '94110')
#Subaccount attributes
subaccount_id =
Create candidate for subaccount
candidate = Checkr::Candidate.create(:subaccount_id => '8168372aac5a952b90eb9acb', :first_name => 'John', :last_name => 'Smith', :dob => '1970-01-22', :ssn => '111-11-2000', :phone => '5555555555', :email => '[email protected]')
#candidate attributes
candidate_id =
Create candidate
candidate = Checkr::Candidate.create(:first_name => 'John', :last_name => 'Smith', :dob => '1970-01-22', :ssn => '111-11-2000', :phone => '5555555555', :email => '[email protected]')
#candidate attributes
candidate_id =
Find candidate
candidate = Checkr::Candidate.find('e44aa283528e6fde7d542194') #Returns checkr id of the candidate
candidate.first_name #Returns first_name of the candidate
Get all reports belongs to candidate, if exists
candidate = Checkr::Subaccount.find('e44aa283528e6fde7d542194')
candidate.reports #Returns array of Checkr::Report objects
Create report
report = Checkr::Report.create(:package => 'driver_plus', :candidate_id => 'e44aa283528e6fde7d542194') #Returns the checkr id of the created report
Find report
report = Checkr::Report.find("5878551b3ee1eacae5a2c558") #Returns the checkr id of the created report
report.status #Returns the status of the report
Find individual reports
report = Checkr::MotorVehicleReport.find("5878551b3ee1eacae5a2c558")
report = Checkr::CountryCriminalSearch.find("5878551b3ee1eacae5a2c558")
report = Checkr::NationalCriminalSearch.find("5878551b3ee1eacae5a2c558")
report = Checkr::SexOffenderSearch.find("5878551b3ee1eacae5a2c558")
report = Checkr::SsnTrace.find("5878551b3ee1eacae5a2c558")
report = Checkr::TerroristWatchlistSearch.find("5878551b3ee1eacae5a2c558")
report.status #Returns the status of the report
report.records #Returns array of ReportRecord objects, if report has records
report.records.first.charges #Returns array of ReportCharge objects, if report has charges
report.accidents #In case of motor vehicle report
report.voilations #In case of motor vehicle report
- Fork it ([my-github-username]/checkr/fork )
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request