A script to install box86/box64 and wine/wine64 on a termux proot for arm64 Android devices.
1- Install Termux for Android (FROM F-DROID)
2- Install XServer XSDL for Android
3- Copy/paste these commands into Termux
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/WheezyE/AnBox86/main/AnBox86_64.sh | bash
4- In Termux, type ./launch_anbox86-64.sh
to launch AnBox86_64
Box86 & box64 by ptitseb https://github.com/ptitSeb/box86
Termux https://github.com/termux/termux-app
PRoot-Distro by xeffyr https://github.com/termux/proot-distro