Extsx (pronounced 'ecstesyx') is a TSX/JSX rendering engine for express.
bun install extsx react-dom
bun install @types/react-dom # if you are working with tsx instead of jsx
import extsx from "extsx";
app.get("/hello/:name", (req, res, next) => {
res.renderTsx("hello", { name: req.params.name });
import Greet from "../components/Greet";
const App = ({ name }: { name: string }) => {
return (
<title>Hello from TSX!</title>
<Greet name={name} />
export default App;
const App = ({ name }: { name: string }) => {
return <h1>Hello, {name}!</h1>;
export default App;
This is used to setup the extsx app. You can configure it as follows:
extsx.use(app, {
/* default template to use, uses the extsx tempalte if undefined. false to disable */
template: undefined,
/* template path */
templatePath: "templates",
/* view path */
viewPath: "views",
/* custom error view name, false to disable the error view */
errorView: "error",
/* path to public folder path for css, images etc. false to disable */
publicPath: "public",
/* default template config like head, bodyAttrs and htmlAttrs */
globalConfig: {},
/* default view data */
globalData: {},
/* component language "tsx" or "jsx" */
language: "tsx",
/* called if no error template is specified or error template has an error */
onError: (error, res) => {
res.send("An Error occured");
For custom templates it is recommended to implement the config like following (children and config parameters are required):
import type { Config } from "extsx/dist/types";
import Head from "extsx/dist/templates/Head";
const Template = ({
}: {
children: React.ReactNode;
config: Config;
}) => {
return (
<html {...config.htmlAttrs}>
<Head head={config.head} />
<body {...config.bodyAttrs}>{children}</body>
export default Template;
A custom error page should look like (error parameter is required):
const Error = ({ error }: { error: Error }) => {
return (
export default Error;
Render a tsx response.
/* view name */
/* view data */
authentificatedUser: {
name: "Waradu",
/* options */
/* template to use, uses the extsx/default tempalte if undefined */
template: undefined,
/* template config like head, bodyAttrs and htmlAttrs */
config: {},
To easly apply globalConfig
and/or config
in extsx.use
or res.renderTsx
there is a helper function.
config: extsx.config({
title: "Homepage",
styles: ["/styles/home.css"],
scripts: ["/scripts/home.js"],