Project developer: Marco Plaza ( )
Allows you to test regular expressions using VFP using vbscript.regexp.
Just paste a text snippet and your regular expression, set case sensitive and global options to see the matches highlighted and match / submatch results.
Use it as powerful find/replace tool, perform replace operations over subgroups & setting replace value to any valid foxpro function.
- Added Evaluate on/off button
- Added Multiline on/off option
- Changed project name to vfpRegexTool
- Added option to replace Match or Captured Groups ( submatches ) with any valid vfp expression
- Fixed bugs
- Added support for SubMatches Collection
- Group Captures indicated with underline, subgroup match highlighted in different colours
- Real-Time Regexp Evaluation as you type
- Allows you to save / load your regexp with associated text & help
- Buttons for copy/clip regexp & sample text
- Window resize support
- Preloaded with some regexp samples for you to test
- saved samples retain IgnoreCase/Global settings
- RegExp Title toggles Green/Red background indicating regexp is Ok/Invalid
- Result Title toggles Green/Red background indicating Match/no-Match
Infinite backloops regular expressions will hang the engine ( no vbscript.regex option for timeout operation ) Prefer small text samples to get fast results & good use experience
Zip file contains source files and compiled exe.
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