opens your ticktick.com inbox in your favorite
editor (vim/neovim, for example) so you able to edit them (modify title/body or
"mark as done") from it (yes, from your lovely editor).

- uses web api
- have 2 modes: "[e]dit" and "[d]elete"
With cargo
cargo install ticked
You need to extract value of cookie named "t" from authorized session on ticktick.com site.
TICKTICK_COOKIE=<your_cookie_there> ticked
(you may want to create wrapper script for this. BUT DON'T SET THIS VARIABLE
FROM .bash_profile
(or something similar), because then any program will be
able to read this or it can leak with automatic bug reports)
It will open your $EDITOR
with tasks from your ticktick inbox list. On the
first line you'll see # Mode: d
. There is two possible modes: d
and e
Just edit this line to select mode you want.
In d
mode program detects only deleted tasks and then marks them as "done" on
ticktick side. Under the hood it detects if some of the original lines
disappeared. So if in this mode you'll edit some task title, it will be
considered as this task disappeared, hence should be removed. So be careful.
In d
mode program detects changes of tasks and then update them on ticktick
side. Under the hood it compares line by line in original order and looks for
changed lines, so you shouldn't reorder lines in this mode, as it will mess
When all done, just save file and close editor. ticked
will show your changes
and ask for final confirmation.
The code base is very dirty right now. Sorry.
I am currently in the process of migrating from ticktick to plaintext local files, so using this tool daily as easy way to extract inbox ("delete" mode).
(2023/05/16: I still use it and it works)
No active work is planned on this. I'll be happy to apply pull requests, or you may fork or just get inspiration (I'll be glad to add links to related projects/forks, so feel free to create issue for that). However, there is TODO.md file with old plans and thoughts.
"Edit" mode is not well tested. But ticked
asks you to confirm any changes
(in "delete" mode too), so it should be safe to use. Just review everything
before confirm. And even if you'll mark something as done occasionally, you
can find it in ticktick "completed" folder.
- ticktask - a simple cli for creating tasks on ticktick.com.