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fiGo - a go driver for the figo-API (

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This project is a golang-driver for figo.
If you want to use this, you need a clientID and a clientSecret. You will get this from figo.

You miss something here? - Please let me know!

Currently implemented:

Getting started

Install fiGo: go get


  • gabs for parsing, creating and editing unknown or dynamic JSON in golang


The following is about how to connect to fiGo with the plain-lightweight-slick-fiGo library. If all this is too complicated, use fastconnect!

First create a new connection:

// create a new fiGo-Connection
var connection fiGo.IConnection
figoConnection := fiGo.NewFigoConnection("clientID", "clientSecret")
connection = figoConnection

Create a user

Ask your user for an username, email-address and password. Then add to figo:

recPwByteArray, err := connection.CreateUser("testUsername", "[email protected]", "mysecretpassword")
if err == fiGo.ErrHTTPUnauthorized {
    // TODO: handle if this was unauthorized
} else if err == fiGo.ErrUserAlreadyExists {
    // TODO: handle if user already exists

You will get back a recovery-password in JSON-format as byte array:

{"recovery_password": "abcd-efgh-ijkl-mnop"}

Fast way to get this (use gabs):

jsonParsed, err := gabs.ParseJSON(recPwByteArray)
recoveryPassword, ok := jsonParsed.Path("recovery_password").Data().(string)
if ok {
    // do whatever you want with the "recoveryPassword"

Credentials login

Login your users:

userAsJson, err := connection.CredentialLogin("[email protected]", "mysecretpassword")
// TODO error handling

You will get all relevant user data like this:

   "scope":"accounts=rw transactions=rw balance=rw user=rw offline create_user "

Tip: Use gabs to get specific fields.
Notice: Keep the access_token for other user-activities.

Crappy? - use fastconnect!

Setup new bank account

Add a bankAccount to an existing figo-account

jsonAnswer, err := connection.SetupNewBankAccount(value, "90090042", "de", []string{"demo", "demo"})

The jsonAnswer contains a task_token. You need this to sync the figo-account with a real bank-account.

{"task_token": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"}

Delete a user

You want to delete a user? - No problem. Just call code below:

jsonAnswer, err := connection.DeleteUser(accessToken)

Hint: Are you confused? Take a look to fastconnect!

Retrieve transactions and account-informations

To retrieve transactions use the access-Token from credential login:

answerByte, err := connection.RetrieveTransactionsOfAllAccounts(accessToken)

For Account-Information:

answerByte, err := connection.RetrieveAllBankAccounts(accessToken)

You will get back the transactions and account-informations as JSON. Use gabs and Json.Unmarshal to put this directly in a model.


FiGo-fastconnect is a way to interact in a faster way with figo. All the user-/ account-/ .. models are ready. Also all the API-calls.

Getting started with fastconnect

// First, let's create some struct-objects for a figoUser and bankCredentials.
figoUser := fastconnect.FigoUser{
    Email:    "[email protected]",
    Username: "username",
    Password: "mySecretPassword",
bankCredentials := fastconnect.BankCredentials{
    BankCode:    "90090042",
    Country:     "de",
    Credentials: []string{"demo", "demo"},

// Create a new connection to figo
figoConnection := fiGo.NewFigoConnection("clientID", "clientSecret")

// Now create the user on figo-side
recoveryPassword, err := fastconnect.CreateUser(figoConnection, figoUser)
if recoveryPassword == "" || err != nil {
    // TODO: handle error!

// Login the new created user to get an accessToken
accessToken, err = fastconnect.LoginUser(figoConnection, figoUser)
if accessToken == "" || err != nil {
    // Can't create figoUser. TODO: handle this!

// Add BankCredentials to the figo-account on figo-side
taskToken, err := fastconnect.SetupNewBankAccount(figoConnection, accessToken, bankCredentials)
if err != nil || taskToken == "" {
    // Error while setup new bankAccount. TODO handle error!

// We need to check the snychronize-Task
task, err := fastconnect.RequestTask(figoConnection, accessToken, taskToken)
if err != nil {
    // Should i say something? - Yeah..TODO: handle error!

// NOTICE! Check now the task, if everything is ready synchronized. If not, ask again.

// Now, you can retrieve all transations
transactionInterfaces, err := fastconnect.RetrieveAllTransactions(figoConnection, accessToken)
if err != nil || transactionInterfaces == nil {
    // TODO: handle your error here!

// convert now to a model. TODO: implement a "Transaction" model with "json"-tags.
transactions := make([]Transaction, 0)
for _, transactionInterface := range transactionInterfaces {
    transactionByte, err := json.Marshal(transactionInterface)
    if err == nil {
        transaction := Transaction{}
        json.Unmarshal(transactionByte, &transaction)
        transactions = append(transactions, transaction)

Checkout the fastconnect package for more stuff!


fiGo - a go driver for the figo-API







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