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Hu Tao

Hu Tao is a Discord bot for Genshin Impact offering guide/routes, character and weapon info, news updates and event reminders that you can follow, reminders, gacha rate calculator and more. Some parts are also available on

An invite link for this bot can be found here. If you need help, you can find the support Discord here.



Help for a specific command can be retrieved via /help <command>. Syntax for these commands might be slightly different due to limitations of Discord, you can see the usage for those commands by typing / in a chat with the bot. For example typing /char will show the commands that start with char like this. Most commands support autocomplete when using the slash command version.

Every reply to commands will include an ❌ delete button, users can click this button to remove the bot post. This allows users to clean up in case something wasn't relevant to the conversation/reduce spam.

To improve usability, most commands that search stuff are fuzzy search and provide autocomplete in slash version when applicable. This means you can make a typo, or shorten the heck out of their names. (As of time of writing, glad matches Gladiator's Finale, CW matches Crimson Witch of Flames, amus matches Amos' Bow)


  • /character: Displays a list of all characters.
    • This command supports filtering such as element type (like /character -pyro), weapon type (like /character -polearm) and/or stars (like /character -5*). Example
    • Available on the site
  • /character <name>: Displays character information, such as basic data / meta data / ascensions + stats / talent costs / talents / passives / constellations / art.
    • See links for examples, buttons will correspond to directly skipping to that section. These can also be triggered directly via the command like /character Hu Tao -art.
    • Search is fuzzy, meaning /character HT should match Hu Tao as long as there's no other character being introduced that becomes a closer match.
    • Also available on the site

See /help character for more information.

  • /charstats <name> [level] A[ascension]: Displays character stats at a certain level/ascension.
    • Without giving level/ascension: /charstats Hu Tao picture
    • With level: /charstats Hu Tao 80 picture
    • With ascension: /charstats Hu Tao A6 picture
    • Search is also fuzzy, just like /character.
  • /charlevel <current level> [current level experience] [target level]: Display experience (also in terms of experience books and 1★ weapons with minimal XP needed to farm) and mora required to level to a target level. Examples.
    • If no current experience is specified, 0 will be assumed.
    • If target level is not specified, both next ascension and max level (currently lv. 90) will be shown.
  • /books list: Displays a list of Talent Book availability per day
  • /books calc <from> <target>: Calculates how many books/other materials are needed for a certain set of talent upgrades (don't include +3 talent boosts from C3/C5) Example
  • /randomteams: Create two teams to challenge yourself in the spiral abyss ;-) Example


See /help weapon for more information.


News / Events

  • /news [lang]: Displays most recently posted news articles on the forum
  • /news <id> [lang]: Displays a news article, these most likely have multiple pages.
  • /follow <list|add|remove> [type]: Add or remove a certain events from the following list in the current channel (official forum posts and the twitter accounts, please refer to /help follow for an up to date list of supported languages). Or a list of what the bot is following in your server.
  • /events: Check up on current and upcoming events. Examples: list, going to the left shows current ones while to the right are future ones. Start/end/reminders for these can be followed with /follow add events. Hovering over the X time remaining/ago will show the times in your timezone. The site will also show the times in your timezone.

Other game information

To help you

  • /guide [name]: View some guides/routes. Use it without any name to get a list of available categories and guides or search for a particular guide. (Also available on site)
  • /gachacalc <pulls> [pity] [guaranteed]: Calculate chance to get a certain amount of constellations of a banner character in a certain amount of pulls. Example.
  • /time: Check current server times as well as time until next daily/weekly reset.
  • /resin <current resin> [time until next resin in mm:ss]: Check how long until your resin refills.
    • Example with just amount: /resin 13 picture
    • Example with time until next resin: /resin 77 7:15 picture
  • /reminders: List your current reminders. Example of list - Example of a reminder
  • /addreminder <name> in <duration>: Adds a reminder
    • Sometimes, the duration can be derived from the name. For example, running /ar Parametric will create a reminder about the Parametric Transformer in 6 days and 22 hours (reset time for that gadget). /ar Ores will create one in 3 days and /ar Liyue Specialties creates one for in 2 days.
    • <duration> needs to be something like <amount> <unit>, joined by pretty much anything spaces/commas/"and"/etc. Units can be abbreviated (m works for minutes, d for days, etc). Also supports resin as a unit of time. For example: /ar Elite Boss in 36 resin
  • /delreminder <id>: Deletes a reminder
  • /notes: View, create, edit or delete notes. Notes are either per category (when used in a guild) or per user (when used in DM's).
    • notes list: List notes in the current context
    • notes create <name>: Create a new note in the current context (requires user to have Manage Messages permission)
    • notes edit <id> <name>: Edit a note in the current context (requires user to have Manage Messages permission)
    • notes remove <id>: Removes a note in the current context (requires user to have Manage Messages permission)

Required Permissions

Please make sure the bot has these permissions inside the channels you want to use the bot.

  • Send/Receive Messages: Needed to actually receive and respond to commands when not using slash commands.
  • Attach Files / Embed Links: Used to send embeds.
  • Use External Emoji: Used in a handful of menu to indicate mora/materials/element/weapon type/...

TIP: You can check if these permissions are given with /help. In case one is missing, it'll be shown in a bold NOTE at the end of the message.


  • Thank you to Soul, Yukie, Maple and Jnight for providing the guides!