- A modern, elegant approach to working with eOn
We provide a conda
environment, which is only partially supported for reproducible usage, since it depends on local compilers.
micromamba create -n eongit -f conda-lock.yml
micromamba activate eongit
This leads to the most robust installation approach:
meson setup bbdir --prefix=$CONDA_PREFIX --libdir=lib --native-file nativeFiles/mold.ini --native-file nativeFiles/ccache_gnu.ini
meson install -C bbdir
The server is accessed through python -m eon.server
Note that all older documentation calls to eon
should now be python -m
. The eonclient
binary is automatically made available in the
activated environment.
This is the preferred method.
cd client
# in conda, add --prefix=$CONDA_PREFIX --libdir=lib
meson setup bbdir --buildtype=debug -Dbuild_tests=true
meson test -C bbdir
Do run pre-commit
before actually submitting pull requests!
pipx run pre-commit run --all-files
For best results, consider installing the git
hook as well.
pipx run pre-commit install
We have both Catch2
unit tests, and also ApprovalTests
. For adding new
approval tests, first build them with meson compile
, run them to approve, and
then re-run to make sure things pass with meson test