Pomidor is a simple and cool pomodoro technique timer.
It's available on melpa:
M-x package-install pomidor
Or using use-package with global keybinding, disabled tick-tack sound and custom hook:
(use-package pomidor
:bind (("<f12>" . pomidor))
:config (setq pomidor-sound-tick nil
pomidor-sound-tack nil)
:hook (pomidor-mode . (lambda ()
(display-line-numbers-mode -1) ; Emacs 26.1+
(setq left-fringe-width 0 right-fringe-width 0)
(setq left-margin-width 2 right-margin-width 0)
;; force fringe update
(set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer)))))
Or clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/TatriX/pomidor ~/.emacs.d/pomidor
and add to your init file:
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/pomidor/")
(require 'pomidor)
Bind it to a key with the following command if you haven't done this with use-package
(global-set-key (kbd "<f12>") #'pomidor)
Or run simply M-x pomidor
When you start pomidor, you automatically begin your first
pomodoro. There is nothing to do at this point, except for work. You
can, of course, restart the pomodoro if you get distracted, but the
program takes care of itself until the 25-minute mark is reached. At
this point the overwork period starts and lasts until you press
to start break period.
Then you can press Space
(which asks for confirmation) or Enter
to start a new period.
After 5 minutes of break time, pomidor will start telling you that you
should finish your break. To snooze it just press Space
and select
This cycle goes on forever.
However, there are situations when you really cannot work in your next pomidor session for a time hiatus, and you also do not want to lose the track of what you already did.
You can use h
) to put your current session on hold
and when you want to get back to pomidor-land you use H
). The unhold function will create a new pomidor
session and you can continue the virtuous cycle.
You can save your pomodoro sessions in a file and compare your progress through this methodology as time goes by.
When you desire to save a session just do M-x pomidor-save-session
it will ask to close your pomidor and will save the current state to a
file defined by pomidor-save-session-file
defaults to
The name of each session stored is the timestamp of the time you choose to save the session.
After that you can fire M-x pomidor-history
to take a look at your
snapshots. You can press n
) or p
) to navigate between the snapshots.
Check a demo of this feature at here.
Key | Description |
Enter | Start new pomodoro. |
Space | Start a break. |
R | Resets the timer. |
q | Quit pomidor buffer. |
Q | Turns off pomidor. |
h | Put the session on hold |
H | Resume on hold session |
You can customize pomidor with M-x customize-group RET pomidor
or just edit your .emacs
To change timer duration:
(setq pomidor-seconds (* 25 60)) ; 25 minutes for the work period
(setq pomidor-break-seconds (* 5 60)) ; 5 minutes break time
To change behavior of long breaks:
(setq pomidor-breaks-before-long 4) ; wait 4 short breaks before long break
(setq pomidor-long-break-seconds (* 20 60)) ; 20 minutes long break time
To disable or configure sounds:
(setq pomidor-sound-tick nil ; nil to disable, defaults to `(expand-file-name (concat pomidor-dir "tick.wav"))`
pomidor-sound-tack nil ;
pomidor-sound-overwork (expand-file-name (concat pomidor-dir "overwork.wav"))
pomidor-sound-break-over (expand-file-name (concat (getenv "HOME") "/Music/overwork.wav")))
To change appearance your can (customize-face), use your theme or use elisp:
;; for a full list of available faces see `customize' or search for `defface' in the source code
(set-face-attribute 'pomidor-break-face nil :foreground "#00ff00")
(set-face-attribute 'pomidor-overwork-face nil :foreground "#00abff")
(set-face-attribute 'pomidor-skip-face nil :foreground "#abbac3")
(set-face-attribute 'pomidor-work-face nil :foreground "#ff0000")
If your Emacs cannot play sounds you can provide your own function to do it:
(setq pomidor-play-sound-file
(lambda (file)
(start-process "my-pomidor-play-sound"
By default pomidor will show you an overwork notification once per minute. See alert documentation to learn how to change alert settings.
You can change default notification style globally:
(setq alert-default-style 'libnotify)
;; or 'growl (see alert docs)
To change notification you can set pomidor-alert
variable (defaults to pomidor-default-alert
(setq pomidor-alert (lambda () (alert "OMG!11")))
Also you can set pomidor-update-hook
to do some work on every update.
(defun my-pomidor-update-hook ()
(alert "Zzz"))
(add-hook 'pomidor-update-hook #'my-pomidor-update-hook)
You can adjust update interval by setting pomidor-update-interval
(setq pomidor-update-interval 30) ; seconds
Inspired by https://github.com/konr/tomatinho
Sounds from freesound