This is an AI for the board game called Onitama.
- Bitboards
- Negamax tree search
- Alpha-beta pruning
- Can play against itself
- Can play against other bots/players on the Litama server
- Perft (performance test)
This is the easiest way to get the AI. Simply download the latest version of the AI from the Releases section on the GitHub repository.
The GitHub repository comes with a CMakeLists.txt
file so that you can easily compile the project yourself. Make sure
to clone the repository with --recurse-submodules
(i.e. git clone --recurse-submodules
) so that you also get all the necessary
dependencies in the extern/
The code compiles on both GCC and Clang. Other compilers have not been tested. Note that GCC builds do not support parallel perft.
The executable comes with a command line interface with several different options for the AI. Run the executable with
the -h
flag to see all options.
> Onitama.exe -h
Usage: Onitama.exe [OPTIONS] [SUBCOMMAND]
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-v,--version Print engine version.
perft Run perft (performance test).
self Make the AI play against itself.
human Make the AI play against a human.
server Make the AI play on the Litama server.
tests Run tests to verify the engine is working correctly.
Write extra command line options after 'tests' to pass them to doctest (e.g. Onitama.exe tests -ltc).
Run --help on a subcommand to see its options.
Onitama engine written in C++ by Tangil Jahangir.
- CLIUtils/CLI11 - For the command line interface
- onqtam/doctest - For running unit tests
- dhbaird/easywsclient - For connecting to the Litama server with WebSocket
- nlohmann/json - For parsing JSON from the Litama server