LeafactorCI is a gradle plugin for refactoring battery inefficient patterns in Android applications. It works by scanning the sources files of the Android project in order to find and refactor battery inefficient patterns automatically. LeafactorCI is able to integrate a CI pipeline, by refactoring the source code and consequently committing the changes to your GIT repository.
Currently LeafactorCI is in Alpha and can refactor the following patterns:
- Recycle
- ViewHolder
- DrawAllocation
- WakeLock
These patterns were shown to affect battery efficiency, see more in Performance-based Guidelines for Energy Efficient Mobile Applications.
If it is your first time trying LeafactorCI please fill in the feedback questionnaire
In your android project go to the app/build.gradle and add the following (you can find the plugin version at the top of this page):
plugins {
id 'com.android.application'
id "tqrg.leafactor.ci" version "PLUGIN_VERSION"
Where PLUGIN_VERSION is the version of the plugin you would like to use. Make sure that com.android.application plugin is applied first.
If you encounter the following error:
Could not find com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.5.0.
Please add the google repository instruction at the top of the app/build.gradle file.
buildscript {
repositories {
Refactoring the app is very simple, just run the following command.
gradlew app:refactor
Note: LeafactorCI is still in Alpha, there are still bugs to iron out. When refactoring your App with LeafactorCI make sure that you can revert its changes either by committing your files or changing your branch.
To add continuous integration with a Leafactor CI stage where a commit is generated and sent to the git repository in a new branch, add the following code to your CI pipeline:
git config user.email "EMAIL_OF_THE_COMMIT_AUTHOR"
git config user.name "NAME_OF_THE_COMMIT_AUTHOR"
REV=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
git checkout -b "leafactor-refactoring-$REV"
./gradlew build
./gradlew refactor
cd app/src
git add .
cd ../../
git commit --allow-empty -m "LeafactorCI refactoring changes."
git remote rm origin
git remote add origin "GIT_REPOSITORY_URL"
git push origin "leafactor-refactoring-$REV"
Will be available soon.
LeafactorCI is powered by INRIA/spoon.
Java 8 JDK - Make sure you have the Java 8 JDK and its referenced in the JAVA_HOME environment variable.
To run tests use:
gradlew :cleanTest :test --tests "tqrg.leafactor.ci.rules.TestRules"
The publishing version can be found in the gradle.properties file. A version can only be published once. To publish a version we must have a previously initialized login session to the gradle plugin registry, to sign in use:
gradlew login
After authorization is granted, we can proceed to the publishing of the version.
gradlew publishPlugins
Note: If the task fails due to javadoc problems, execute the following command and try again:
gradlew javadoc
- LeafactorCI is importing the same package: INRIA/spoon#3267
- Tests are not passing: This is due to the Spoon issue INRIA/spoon#3267
- LeafactorCI recycling an unrecyclable variable: Needs to be addressed
- LeafactorCI adding variables that already exist: Needs to be addressed
- LeafactorCI adding fully qualified names: Needs to be addressed, is an issue with Spoon
- Add support for classpath integration (Partly done but not ready)
First clone the Spoon repository then go to the folder and generate a jar with dependencies:
git clone https://github.com/INRIA/spoon.git
cd spoon
mvn clean compile assembly:single
The generated file should be under the target folder. e.g. spoon/target/spoon-core-VERSION-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Then generate the jar for leafactor-ci:
gradlew :jar
Now in the android project, add the following properties to the local.properties file:
Now we need to add both jar files to the class path of the app and add the leafactor plugin. For mostly every project you will find the build.gradle file inside ./app folder of the android project and add following instruction to the top of the file:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
Properties properties = new Properties()
def leafactorDir = properties.getProperty('leafactor.jar')
def spoonCoreDir = properties.getProperty('spoon-core.jar')
classpath files(leafactorDir)
classpath files(spoonCoreDir)
plugins {
id 'com.android.application'
apply plugin: tqrg.leafactor.ci.gradle.plugin.LeafactorCIPlugin
This is an ongoing issue in spoon, more information can be seen on: INRIA/spoon#3267
Please file a new issue. Resolve time will depend on LeafactorCI maintainer availability as well as INRIA/Spoon maintainer availability.
This project would not be possible without the help of the INRIA/Spoon community in particular without the help of Martin Monperrus @monperrus who diligently supported INRIA/Spoon throughout the development of Leafactor CI.