A Pkl template for writing GitHub Action workflows.
Pkl is a configuration as code language with rich validation. YAML, the language used for GitHub Actions on the other hand, is a configuration language with no validation at all. We have to rely on third-party tools or IDE support to validate our GitHub Actions. While this will get better over time, it's still not as good as having a language with rich validation out of the box.
This is where this template comes in. It allows you to write your GitHub Action Workflows in Pkl and then compile them (using the Pkl cli) to YAML. The generated YAML output, if successfully converted, is definitely YAML validated and ready to be used as your Action Workflows.
1. Write a Pkl
file and amend
this template
amends "package://pkg.pkl-lang.org/github.com/stefma/pkl-gha/com.github.action@[LATEST_VERSION]#/GitHubAction.pkl"
name = "Test"
on {
// Define your `on` triggers. E.g.:
push {
branches {
pull_request {}
jobs {
// Define your `jobs`. E.g.:
["test"] {
`runs-on` = new UbuntuLatest {} // Could also be a string like "ubuntu-latest"
// Define your `steps`. E.g.:
steps {
new {
name = "Checkout"
uses = "actions/checkout@v4"
with {
["fetch-depth"] = 0
new {
name = "Setup nexus credentials"
run = """
mkdir ~/.gradle
echo "systemProp.nexusUsername=${{ secrets.NEXUS_USERNAME }}" >> ~/.gradle/gradle.properties
echo "systemProp.nexusPassword=${{ secrets.NEXUS_PASSWORD }}" >> ~/.gradle/gradle.properties
new {
name = "Test android app"
run = "./gradlew testDebugUnitTest"
2. Install the Pkl cli
For macOS it as simple as:
brew install pkl
For other platforms, please follow the official installation guide.
3. Convert the Pkl file to Yaml
pkl eval path/to/your/pkl/file.pkl -o path/to/your/pkl/file.yaml
Or alternatively for all files in the .github/workflows
pkl eval path/to/your/pkl/files/*.pkl -o path/to/your/pkl/files/%{moduleName}.yml
- Strong typing: Pkl is a strongly typed language. This means that you can't accidentally use a wrong type in your configuration.
- Simplicity: Strong validation and strong typing but still simple to write.
You can find real-life examples in the .github/pkl-workflows directory of this repository. There are also some examples in the examples directory.
The (right now) supported templates looks like that:
name: String
on: On
env: EnvironmentVariables?
concurrency: Concurrency?
permissions: (*Permissions|"read-all"|"write-all")?
jobs: Jobs
The template itself as well as the class
definitions can be found in the GitHubAction.pkl file.
This module is already used in the following repositories:
Additionally, it is used in the internal codebase of the ioki Android White-Label Apps.
Let me know if you have also adopted the module, or submit a PR!
Step 1: Make sure you're on the main
branch and pull the latest changes.
git checkout main
git pull origin main
Step 2: Create a git tag in form of com.github.action@[SEMVER_VERSION]
git tag com.github.action@[SEMVER_VERSION]
Step 3: Push the tag to the remote repository.
git push origin com.github.action@[SEMVER_VERSION]
Step 4: The tag creates a new release on GitHub. Go to the releases page and edit the new release. Put some information about the changes in the description and publish the release.
Step 5: Update SNAPSHOT
version in PklProject to the next version and push the changes.
git add PklProject
git commit -m "Bump snapshot version"
git push origin main